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Everything posted by Andrea

  1. Andrea


  2. Debra, We are neighbors! Orange COunty
  3. I agree it is wonderful to be able to help others, however I also understand the illegality of it and the liability it can create. A suggestion for anyone who has extra medicine is to bring it to their oncologist, especially if sealed up. We gave my mom's oncologist two months worth of Iressa when she stopped in hopes that it will help people without insurance coverage for the drug.
  4. Oy vey Beth, so unfair! I hope you feel better REALLY soon!!!! I want good news good news good news!
  5. Connie, I see your point, but I too am guilty of hiding at times, more so on AIM The reason is that sometime you don't want people to see how pathetic you are and how often you are on line Heehee. Or sometimes you dont want peopel to see you are home if you say you are elsewhere :)
  6. I hate lima beans and bussell sprouts Here is for scarring!!!! :)
  7. I completely agree......I often look where newcomers are from and PM if from same area as me to exchange doctor information.
  8. I ditto what Becky said and I LOVE the picture I can;t wait to hear good things tom rorow
  9. Don, I hope Lucie gains her strength back from the break. Thanks for the update. You and Lucie are both amazing and I just love looking at the picture of you two together, you both look like the perfect match
  10. Cheryl, The drugs may be kicking your butt, but you are kicking the cancer butt. Keep it up! You are amazing and you will be the winner
  11. Wendy--here is the link to Debi's post. http://lchelp.com/community/viewtopic.php?t=13353
  12. Andrea

    Brain MRI

    Beth, I hope it is nothing! Please let us know when it is scheduled and how it goes. I would say d on't worry, but that would be pot calling kettle black However, just as an aside, my mom has had some episodes of double vision and feeling dizzy and her last brain MRI was normal. It could easily be jsut from stress or maybe totally normal and not something you wuld otherwise think about, except now we all think of everything as possibly something. I am not sure if that made sense to anyone but me. Heehee. Take care. Anxiously looking for good news from you
  13. Hi Steph, We miss hearing from you!!!
  14. I try to do normal things. My mom and I have our ritual of going to get our haircuts, color, and shopping every 5 weeks together She missed a few trips when her hair was shedding, but as soon as it stopped, she was there. To be honest, I have not found what works for me yet. It is a struggle. I left my job (attorney) thinking I wanted to do nonprofit work. I interviewed with the American Cancer Society and realized it would be too hard emotionally on me. I went back to work as an attorney. And I left again. NOW I was asked back yet again, and am going back because as my mom said, sitting home and worrying is not doing me any good either. Some people have recommended taking my computer out so I can't read about medical issues I think becoming part of the LCSC Board of Directors is really helpng me because it is a way I can participate in the fight against lung cancer without immersing myself in cancer 24 hours a day which I was considering by working with the American Cancer Society. I look forward to hear what works for others!
  15. Wendy, I am not the patient, my mom is, but I struggle with excessive worrying over medical issues. And b/c of that my mom got diagnosed, I am the one who insisted she needed an xray over a mild dry cough I dont know how to control it.I also freak out with every ache and pain, I am diong it right now actually b/c my flank hurts (probably b/c I am exercising and not used to it, duh).........it is hard to deal with. I asked my doctor a couple of weeks ago when I got zoloft about it and he said I may never change b/c of the situation with my mom and the work I do (my firm does some medical malpractice work). Debi's post in Early Stage the other day helped me b/c I really took to heart what she said, that beer truck can hit anyone. I went to Disneyland after that and I started looking at all the people and wondered if they had aches, pains, ailments, were they freaking out, etc. They all looked to happy Anyway, you are not alone in your worrying. I know others here do the same thing, family members and caregivers .
  16. Maryanne, Good luck with the apt! I am glad that he is doing chemo, it can't hurt to be extra cautious.
  17. Andrea

    Living Wills

    Very interesting, I had no idea. That is great to know. Thanks Don!
  18. No experience on your question, but congrats with NED!
  19. My mom's hemoglobin went up and down too. Sometimes she had to get shots, she also had transfusions. It apparently is very n ormal and the reason they keep testing the blood when on chemo. Keep us posted with how she is
  20. Let's hear it for everyone NED :):) Good luck to everyone getting scans!
  21. Angie, Thanks for the update!! I hope your dad is feeling strong real soon, and your uncle too!
  22. I love the new picture of the peas :) Tell Faith she is supposed to EAT the peas even if they taste icky and not implant them inside her parents I hope the house sells fast, the pea episode will come to a happy conclusion, and you both can recover!
  23. I hope to hear good news soon
  24. Wet wet wet I don't like to drive in the rain, so I have been house bound.
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