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Everything posted by stand4hope

  1. Robin, I am so extremely sorry to hear about the loss of your mother. I know what a sad time this is for you, and please accept my deepest sympathy. Could I suggest that you post on the grieving forum so that others will know about your mom and talk to you about it. There are so many that know exactly what you're going through and will help you through this. All my love and sympathy, Peggy
  2. I really can't contribute to what might be causing your pain. One thing I do know is that, believe it or not, Prilosec can cause pancreatitis. My son has had pancreatitis and was also taking Prilosec. The doctor looked it up and, sure enough, pancreatitis. The give-away symptom for pancreatitis is the pain radiating from the abdomen around to your side and into your back. If you have this side pain and back pain, I would stop the Prilosec. As soon as he stopped the Prilosec, the pain went away in a couple of days. I know you talked about "indigestion" which is something quite different, but since you said you were doubling over from the pain, I thought I'd let you know about this. I hope it gets better soon. Love, Peggy
  3. I, too, am so sorry for your great loss. Please accept my deepest sympathy. God bless you, Peggy
  4. Jane, I love you, too. I understand exactly how you feel. It's only been 2 weeks and 2 days for me, and those heavy heart times just keep sneaking back in, don't they? I'll be thinking of you today, and praying for you as well. Love, Peggy
  5. Oh, Joni - I am so very sorry. It seems there's been an awful lot of this lately. I'm sure it broke your heart to have to go to hospice, and I am so sorry for this turn. How is your little Alex doing? Does he understand all of this? May God send His comfort and love to you and Alex at this time, and I ask that He wrap Robert in his loving arms and give him peace. Love, Peggy
  6. Nina, You sure didn't need this. Nobody does. Everyone I've ever known who had something like this happen to them says they feel the same way you do. I, too, vote for getting a dog or two. They not only guard your house and protect you, but you will fall in love with them and they with you. I think that everything that happens to everyone on this board is a big deal to all of us because we really are family. I would feel sad if someone had "a big deal" like this happen to them and couldn't share their feelings with all of us. Thank God that we can. Love, Peggy
  7. TBone - I am so sad that you are having all this pain. It sounds like they are giving you the right stuff - the things we have all heard of and are familiar with - but it breaks my heart that they aren't working for you. I agree with what Sharon said - in this day, how can this be? TBone, I am praying for you. Love, Peggy
  8. Deb, As promised, I came back and read your post tonight. It truly was beautiful and such a wonderful way to honor your father. I miss my dad, too. He was the only one I went to and cried when my husband was diagnosed. He shed some tears, too, patted my hand and said, "Think positive, baby, think positive. - I remember. Thank you for sharing this beautiful wall of thank you's to your dad. Love, Peggy
  9. Francine, First, I just love it when I see your picture. You are very attractive and have the nicest smile. I sure am glad your doctors agree. It must have been upsetting to have them not agree the first time. I'm sorry you have to have surgery, but from what most everyone here says that has had surgery, it is do-able. Sending prayers and good wishes your way. Love, Peggy
  10. When my mom was dying, she had been near comatose for several days. She was down to about 70 lbs. and hadn't moved or eaten for days. She was unable to raise her head or even lift her arms or hands. Suddenly, about 36 hours before she died, she jerked and sat all the way up in the bed (this, alone, about scared me out of my wits). She raised both her arms and hands upward (palms up), was looking up toward the ceiling, actually smiled and said, "It's bEAUtiful." I desperately said, "What. Mom, what is it? What do you see? What's beautiful? She said, "It's bEAUtiful." By now, I was frantic and begged her to tell me what she saw. I said, "Mom, please, please. Tell me what you see. Please, mom." She only stared at the ceiling, smiling, with her arms still up and said, for the third time, "It's bEAUtiful." Then she gently laid back down, closed her eyes, and never spoke another word the rest of her life. I cried my eyes out. I told my pastor what happened and he told me he had been with enough people when they were dying to know that they see something he doesn't see. To me, that was a miracle. Peggy
  11. Elaine, I have no clue either, but I wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you. Unfortunately, the reason I wear elastic waistbands is spelled c-o-o-k-i-e-s. Much love, Peggy
  12. Hi Luannie, Your mom's side effects sound pretty typical. Unfortunately, the chemo does tend to be cumulative, especially with fatigue. The only way the cancer cells can be destroyed is to really bombard them with chemo, so yes, getting the chemo several weeks in a row could cause an increase in your mom's side effects, but then again, maybe not. Also, since she's getting WBR at the same time, it is very common for fatigue to be the biggest complaint. Almost everyone gets through all the side effects just fine, but of course, there can be complications, so just try to keep an optimistic attitude, but keep an eye on her and just report anything to the doctor that seems like it might be too harsh. Keep us posted. Love, Peggy
  13. Tess, I agree with Connie and I would call now - don't even wait until tomorrow or Monday. If he has mets to the spine that are causing this tremendous pain, I'm wondering if they have offered radiation for the pain? Peggy
  14. Shirley, I understand your fear. I had a failure several years ago and was also very scared. They tried a needle biopsy but it was too deep to get to it. When they tried the needle biopsy, they then found two cysts instead of one, so I had to have them surgically removed and biopsied - both of them were benign. Also, it was the easiest surgery (recovery) that I have ever had and I have had quite a few surgeries. I was amazed, and like I said, they were both deep. Actually, I had it done on a Friday and couldn't even take off work on Monday, with a clear conscience , because it was almost painless. It will be ok, and I will say prayers for you. God bless, Peggy
  15. Hi Denise and WELCOME, I'm so glad you decided to post. "Months" is a long time to lurk without talking to us. My husband didn't have the option of surgery, so I can't help you much with treatment after surgery either, but there have been lots and lots of posts, especially recently, about surgery and what comes after. Also, other members will come on here after me who have had surgery themselves and will be able to give you a lot better advice than I can. I just wanted to welcome you. Please come back and talk to us often and let us know how your mom is doing. God bless you, Peggy
  16. Kelly, I am really sorry to hear your mom is having a hard time right now. She's in the right place to get round-the-clock care. Depending on how much her lung has collapsed, they might have to put in a chest tube. Don't let that frighten you if they do, it will certainly help her breathing. Please keep us posted as to how she is doing, and please tell her I said hello and am praying for her. Also, you have lots of friends here and we are all here for you and Deb, so don't be afraid to come here and talk to us anytime you need ears or shoulders. Ok? Love, Peggy
  17. stand4hope

    Still Here!

    Candy, I am so sorry. I'm glad you get to go see your son. The 12-hour drive will be a good adventure for you - and a GRANDDAUGHTER soon - that should help. Love, Peggy
  18. Tina, You and Charlie have my prayers as well. Is Navelbine the only chemo he was getting? This is the first I've heard of such a harsh reaction to Navelbine. My husband has been hospitalized twice (4 days each time). I know it makes it tough for you, too. Hang in there. Love, Peggy
  19. Cat, You are a spiritual person - you belong in the spiritual forum. I look forward to reading every word you say because you are such a loving and caring person. Love, Peggy
  20. My husband's onc is having him use over-the-counter anti-itch hydrocortisone cream. It's not getting rid of it, but it keeps it calm and stops the burn and the itch. Peggy
  21. ROFL!!! Fay, night lights don't come in 60 watts anyway - that would be a day light. 7 to 15 and you're in business, I think. Sending prayers your way. Love, Peggy
  22. David, Your profile signature says, "God cannot answer the prayers he does not hear!!!" He just heard mine - next comes the answer. God bless you, Peggy
  23. I NEEDED THIS! I'm the IT person at our law firm. I sent it to all the staff. I could hear them laughing all the way down the hall. I don't usually participate in any of the joke-sending at work because of time, so they thought I was sending a real hoax warning. LOL That was great. Thanks! Peggy
  24. Oh, Ginny, Ginny. This breaks my heart. It also just sounds so much like a repeat of my dad - the hospital bed, the gown, the lift. If it hadn't been for that darned machine, my dad could have been at home, too, just like you are so thoughtfully doing for your beloved Earl. You are doing the right thing. You are doing what HE wants. You are the best, most loving wife. May God reward you for your unselfish and loving heart. I'm so sad. Love, Peggy
  25. Beth, We have already talked, but I once again want to send you and your family my most sincere sympathy. I am so sorry for this great loss. I know you were married to Bob for a very long time. Losing a spouse has got to be one of the hardest things in the world to deal with and you have written to us with such grace and honor for your husband. You are quite a remarkable woman. I hope you all enjoy the celebration of your dear Bob's life. Love, Peggy
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