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Everything posted by shineladysue

  1. Prayers coming for you and your Mom. (((Hugs))), Sue
  2. Mary, Your story is beautiful and very touching. Your "Daddy" sounds like he is quite a loving, caring person. I wish I could give you information about the drug you ask about , but I don't know anything about it. I just want to say , as others before me have said, that every case of cancer is different , and yes I've read time and time again about some very remarkable turn arounds. Having a health team that you can trust and communicate with is the best place to go for information. I want you to know that you, your dad and your family are included in my prayers. (((Hugs))) & prayers , Sue
  3. Prayers for Dad and your family. (((Hugs))), Sue
  4. Nancy, I'm glad you have Mike home and I'm praying for a beautiful wedding day for all of you. God Bless you all, Sue
  5. Hi Pat and Brian, Just wanted to let the two of you know that you are still in our prayers here in Virginia. Hope Brian is able to go thru the scans. I remember a similar time with Mike when he was nauseaus at scan time. Somehow , he managed to drink contrast and keep it all down for the scans. We understand and we are praying for you to have much better days ahead. Love, Sue
  6. One day at a time , Peggy. That's all you can do. I want you to know that you , your hubby and your son are all in my prayers. Love, Sue
  7. Beautiful story Curtis. (((Hugs))) & Tears, Sue
  8. Hi Oliver, I just want to welcome you to the family and thank you for the Mother's Day wish. Feel free to post and share your case with us. Hope things work out well with the new oncologist. You did the right thing to look for a new doctor if you are not confident in the first. Let us know how things work out with him and how you are doing. God Bless, Sue
  9. shineladysue

    One year

    Congratulations Beth & Addie too, I quit smoking 2 years ago, this past March 28th and it is very hard, but so well worth it. You two are giving your bodies a much better chance to heal by not smoking. I belong to whyquit.com and the education and support there is fantastic. It helped me. I still think of smoking to this day, but I wouldn't do it. I have early emphysema and I'm not in a hurry to help it advance. Congratulations to both of you for quitting over a year. That's fantastic. (((Hugs))), Sue
  10. David, Your sense of humor is coming through loud and clear. It's great to see you post. Know that you and your family are in my prayers always. God Bless you, Sue
  11. Betty, I can see your smiling face. I hope you are doing ok. You are in my prayers. We hope to hear from you soon. Love, Sue
  12. Cindi, Mike is on oxygen 24/7. He was put on after going through a series of qualifying tests. The pulmonologist put him through pft, 6 minute walk etc., testing his oxygen level at rest. They also sent him home with an all night monitor to wear and turn back in. He did poorly , even at rest. He scored , with the finger thingy... 89, even at rest and went down to 80 when walking . It wasn't , as fast as he could, it was at his own pace and he couldn't finish the 6 minutes. I only know that he can't exert himself , at all, and just getting around is done slowly. I would also like to add that the nebulizer can be a god send. He and my mom (mom has emphysema) use one and it helps to keep those airways open. That one is a must. Get that as soon as you can. I think you may greatly benefit from it. Hope you can read all this . It's kind of run on.. Hoping you can get some help. Not being able to breathe is the pits.... Take care Cindi. Love ya, Sue
  13. Thanks for the update Cindi. Melanie , I hope you know how very much we care about you. It's good news just to hear that your pain is being managed and you have the help and support to help you now. Hope to hear that you are getting better and better. Praying you. Love, Sue
  14. Val, I'm sure it means a lot to your mom to see Carolyn. Sure hope the doctor can give her a good idea of why she is feeling like she is. She does sound like she is having a rough time of it now. I will be keeping all of you in my prayers. Love, Sue
  15. shineladysue


    I'm so happy for you !!! Sue
  16. Sandy, I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I agree with the others that a second opinion is defintely in order at this point in time. I know you are praying for no surgery , but most important is to get the right decision. Keeping you in my prayers. (((Hugs))), Sue
  17. Oh Cindi, The apartment sounds sooo perfect. I hope you have plenty of help and the packing and moving go smoothly. Keep us informed. We want to know how our bartender is doing. There are some folks that we just can't live without... right Charlie D? Love, Sue
  18. Amy, I'm so sorry to hear the news about your friend Shiela. I want you to know that she has my prayers , as well. Sue
  19. Sherri, I'm so sorry you lost your beautiful Mom. I hope the thoughts of the time you and your sister spent with her will be a comfort to you in the days ahead. God be with you and your family. Sue
  20. This sure sounds like better news. Sending prayers for continued strengthening for the wedding and the cruise. (((Hugs))), Sue
  21. shineladysue

    Out for Dinner

    Beth & Bill, This is wonderful news. Enjoy , enjoy enjoy!!! I hope the good days continue to just get better and better. (((Hugs))), Sue
  22. Pat and Brian, I just want you to know that you have my prayers, always!!! You never have to ask. I'm sorry Brian is going through such a rough time. This chemo stuff can be rough, as well as the total impact of the disease on our lives. Yes, I understand what you mean. My husband's oncologist told him from the very beginning of his diagnosis that he would have good days and bad days and on the good days he should do the things he enjoyed doing. He encouraged him to quit work if he could. Well, Mike quit work, but it really wasn't by choice, it was by neccessity . He is just wasn't strong enough to hold down a job any longer. I hope Brian will soon feel stronger and the two of you will be able to find solutions to your concerns. (((Hugs))), Sue
  23. Doug, I'm so sorry someone could be so hateful to you. I have to wonder what a person like that hopes to gain. Your reply was excellent and I certainly hope you won't let that display of ignorance , on their part, keep you away from this board. As you have stated, much more eloquently and kinder than I, this a board for supporting others and not standing in judgment of them. Remember , the majority of us are here for the right reasons. I enjoy your posts very much. Sue
  24. "Bring it on!!! and Get 'er done!!!" Someone I know said that, after the last treatment results... Keeping our eye on you Charlie and keeping you in our prayers, as well. Hope this stuff continues to kick butt for you. Love and Prayers, Sue and Mike
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