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scan results

Don M

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Hi all:

I had an upper left lobectomy a year ago with no adjuvant treatment.

My ct scan results today established that I have a new nodule in my left lung. Last November it was thought to be a new nodule or scar tissue. Last Friday it was determined that it is a nodule that grew from 9 mm last November to 12 mm at the present. There has been no change in my mediastinal area or other suspicious sites. I am going to have a PET scan to see if it is cancer or not. I had a benign nodule in the bottom of my left lung when I had surgery a year ago. It was removed and found to be benign. Of course, I hope the new one is benign. But if it isn’t, the worse that would probably happen is that I would have the rest of my left lung removed because the cancer would probably be still local. Even if the PET scan is negative, I will have to closely monitor this nodule for the next couple of years. I was hoping that I would just get clear scans as the years went by, but not so. I will just have to get used to living with the uncertainty. Please pray for me.

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Prayers for benign results are being said. These uncertainties are hard to live with , but it doesn't pay to become too complacent either. My husbands recurrence was misdiagnosed for a year, resulting in Stage IV. Hopefully,in your case, these nodules are nothing. Keep us informed and take are of yourself.


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Don---I am hoping it is also benign---the growth may be just another way they looked at the scan---

unfortunately, many people probably have things that light up scans and are suspicious, but until cancer hits--who gets scans?

I know it is worrysome, but I am glad it is being watched and I am hoping you get good results


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Good luck, and I am also hoping for benign, but it's good to know that the worst that happens is that they remove the other lobe. Sounds like the chances are pretty good though that it's benign. Keeping you in my thoughts.


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Gee, I am sorry you have to worry about this right now. I am praying for benign and hoping that it turns out to be nothing to worry about. The good thing seems to be that it can be gotten with surgery. Once it is out then it is OUT. I had chemo and radiation after my surgery. If you have to have it again I hope they offer you that choice. It is hell while you are going through it but it is worth it to be cancer free. Keeping you in my prayers.


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For Barb: Hi Barb, My oncologist ordered the PET scan, but I think he would also do it if I asked first. A surgeon would do it to help in staging, to see if it is worthwhile to perform surgery.

Nina: if I have to have surgery again, I am going to ask for chemo follow up. My PET scan is Monday. I see the oncolgoist to discuss the results next Thursday. Yay for lexapro! (and prayers).

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