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Just Catching Up


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Well, another week gone. Two of the kids came in and it was wonderful to see them. Im finding it more and more difficult to get rest and some oxygen, but I'm just going to have to do it. I'm just afraid of disappointing my kids, friends and family when they want to visit.

Last Sunday I think I had a seizure. Incoherent thoughts, coordination very bad, and my eyes were fluttering. It scared the family. Dr. doesn't want me to drive anymore.

But, boy I sure have so much love in my life, in my friends, and in you all. My pain in very much in control. I just keep buying more and more wigs. I still look like an oragatan, but that's the least of it.

Just wanted to say good-night my friends. I love you all very much!!!!


CathyR :wink:

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Hi Cathy,

You are truly an inspiration. I love your positivity!!! I also wanted you to know that the people who love and care about you could never be disappointed by you and your need for rest. Do what you can - when you can!

Thoughts and prayers,


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From what I have read, people love you so much you could never disappoint them. Hope you are living out you fantasies with you wigs. Have you gotten a Marilyn Monroe wig?

Your attitude is amazing Cathy. I wish you many, many more pain free days and nights. Keep us posted.

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Hi Cathy.

Thanks for taking the time to check in and report. Glad your kids were there. This is what you say when you need to.."gosh, I think I better lie down for just a bit..party on as if I were here..." Then go take your needed snooze and you will feel up to going back to them all rested.

Sorry about the driving thing. Is there someone close by who can take care of your transportation needs?

Always great to hear from you, Cathyr.

love, cindi o'h

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I'm not surprised to know that you continue to wring as much fun and joy from life as you can! Your attitude is one I hope to maintain too.

I'm so glad any pain is being kept under control for you and more so, that you're feeling so loved and cared for by family and friends....because you ARE!

Keep on wringing all the good stuff from Life...and enjoying it as much as you can. We are always happy to hear from you...and it's fun imagining you in all those new wigs! :wink: Have you gone platinum blonde yet? :)

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I have been thinking about you a lot since your name comes up in my prayers every day. Maybe some are being answered - pain under control :lol: , kids visiting :lol: , new wigs :lol::lol::lol: ! Take the time to rest - then you can party hearty once more.

Glad to hear from you. Hope there is someone to help out with driving. Wishing for you many more of your favorite days surrounded by your good frineds and family. And remember, you are ALWAYS surrounded by all your friends here as well.

Your attitude is contagious - hard not to get caught up in it.


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Hi Cathy,

So glad to hear from you. You are really an inspiration with your additude.

Just want you to know I think about you in a positive way, and just keep praying you are comfortable and pain free.

Thanks so much for posting.


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Cathy, soooo glad you posted with an update! wow, you are such an inspiration, with your positive attitude and courage!

So, how many wigs do ya have now?? :) My mom only has two, I'd like to get her a few more. (Paula Young seems to have some cute ones for a good price.)

Take care of you!

((hugs)) and prayers always going up for you


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Disappoint us? Are you kidding? I couldn't ask for a more inspiring,courages sister!!!!! Also want to add, your neices told me they had the best time with you Sunday. They expressed to me how much they truely love you and they are so happy they got to see you. I cried when they told me how proud you were of me. That meant so much coming from my big sister.Cat I love you so much that sometimes it hurts. I want to wrap my arms around you, give you a hundred million kisses and never let you go. You know you are part of my soul. Love ya Deb

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Hi Cathy~

I am glad to see you posting and updating us . About your possible seizure...John has had these spells that look a lot like a seizure but they aren't. Now I have seen a lot of seizures and I was sure he had one the first time I saw it happen. Actually he is passing out from a lack of oxygen when he coughs and it certainly resembles a seizure. The doctor says it is normal during those hard coughing spells and has not restrcted his driving.

Now...the one way I think you can tell a seizure from a "spell" is how you feel afterwards. Everyone I have seen have a seizure is absolutely whipped afterwards and goes to sleep to recover. My point here being to hopefully make you feel a little better...

I think of you often.


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