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nancy c

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Yes, hard days, but they can be days of close communication, too, dear.

Please know that we are sending strength, understanding and support.

I truly wish we could come and sit w/ you and Mike for a bit.......please know that we are there in spirit.




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I am so sorry. Hold on to his hand because he will feel your love so strongly. And you will feel his love. Wherever this path ends up taking you and Mike, you will remember these moments forever.

Thinking of you throughout the days,


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This is a real blow I am sure. Hospice is not the word any of us want to hear but I understand they are usually wonderful people and give you much needed relief. I am so glad Mike is coming home. Prayers are with you. Wishing you peace and strength.


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Nancy, I'm sorry things seem to have gone from such a bright, exciting time at your daughter's wedding, when all hopes for Mike must have been at a high level, to what seems like the darkest time of your life. That's a fast change of gears and not easy to take.

We'll all be in Mike's situation some day - cancer or no cancer. I know my husband's love, closeness, smile, touch, mean everything to me and even more so when I was really sick in the hospital. From readng your letters, I'm sure you are the best part of Mike's life. Being with you will help him keep fears to a minimum and allow him to feel loved and supported at the time he needs those feelings most.

You will need lots of hugs and love and support, too. You can always get it here, day or night!


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I wish I had the words to make this all go away for you. It is so hard and so sad. Hold Mikes hand. Tell him how much you love him and how proud you are to be his wife. How happy you are to be his wife. I hope you have family there with you. Wish I could do more than just this post.

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