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Update on my husband


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Let me just start by saying God is Good! We knew from x-rays that Mike's main tumor was shrinking and that the chemo was working, but we did not know how well the chemo was working until today. We saw the doctor Wednesday and he told us that the tumor had shrunk over 60% and that the other nodules were gone! He wants Mike to have 4 more chemo treatments and then he will have another scan. Then he will do a scope to see what is left. Then depending on the results, he would suggest that he have a resection of the lung to remove any remaining tumor! I am so excited! I can't hardly believe it! He did start him on Avastin this time along with his chemo. This is supposed to cut off the blood flow to the tumor. Thanks to everyone for all of your prayers! God is listening! Don't stop now. We are half way home!


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I, too, believe in the power of prayer! How wonderful your news. I cannot wait to hear more from you guys. I will keep the prayers going. I know that I told my friends AND others to NEVER take me off prayer lists. I will need them forever.

Such warm wishes for the two of you.


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