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I Always Thought.......


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I loved all the responses that Katie received from her series of "injection" questions. It truly gave us a chance to know each other a little better.

This one is for all that have loved and lost someone special. I think of this almost daily when thinking about Dennis and what I had expected out of life.

I always thought........

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I always thought.....that the happiest times in our life would be when we had grandchildren. I would always visualize Dennis taking little boys fishing on Saturday mornings. Oh, how happy he would have been.

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I always thought that my dad would be here forever, there is so much that has happened in my family that he would be sooo proud of:

His little princess grandaughter becoming a teacher..

His grandson (who always made him chuckle when he would tease grandma) in his 2nd year of law school and doing so well..

His son in law(whom he adored) reaching goals in his career that he and my dad always shared and dreamed of...

He would be smiling with such pride...

Thanks Ann for letting me share that...

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I always thought I would grow old with Earl. I always thought he would be there to kiss me goodnight and tell me he loved me. I always thought he would be sitting in his lounge chair and I would walk by and squeeze his toe. I always thought the person who 'got me' would be in my life. I always ........

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I always thought that my mom would have had the opportunity to be there when I had children. She would have made the best grandma. I always thought when I had children they would know my mom without me having to give them the "story" of my mom. I always thought my mom would have the opportunity to retire and travel and live in Napa like she wanted.

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I always thought my Mom would make such a good Gramma. And she did... But she had such a short time to be one. I thought she would buy Carolyn all sorts of toys..l and make her come back to my house all Sassy. I thought she'd teach her that boys are smelly and make her a little 'feminist' before she was even ten.

Man... she was gonna be the 'cool' Gramma....

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I always thought my Dad would be around well into his 80's or 90's, instead we lost him much to soon at 65. He took such great care of himself. I always thought he would be the miracle story whose lung cancer miraculously disappeared. I always thought I would find something that could save him or help him live long enough to see his beautiful granddaughter grow up just a little longer so she would have her own memories of him and get to feel his love instead of having to be told about it. I always thought my Dad was the best Daddy in the world and he was and that he would be the best Grandpa that ever lived, and he was. Life is bittersweet without him here.

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I always thought that my Brother would give up alcohol ( which he did 15 months before his death) and find the life he had been missing all the years he drank his pain away... I always thought he would always be here and just a phone call or short drive away.

God bless you all,


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I always thought that Randy and I would grow old together. Never in my wildest dreams did I think he would get lung cancer and die before we were 50.

I always thought my "friends" would be here for me after he died and I was wrong. Only two stood by me while I grieved. I found out who my true friends were.

Thank you Ann for starting this.

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:( I always thought Mike and I would grow old together--esp since we had all three kids out of college and on their own. It would be "our time now" . Our time was very short lived and there are alot of unfinished memories and dreams I didn't get to have with him. :cry: I always thought he would be there for me forever. I always thought we would be "forever".....
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I always thought I would be an up-and-at-'em, healthy retiree because I had supposedly done many of the "right" things to ensure good health, i.e., exercised regularly, eaten well, maintained a healthy weight, kept all my yearly checkup appointments, etc. The Good Lord had other plans for me and has it ever been a learning experience not the least of which is to not put important things off, but enjoy the wonders of each loved one, each day, and even each breath!

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I always thought my mom would be here to watch her beloved granddaughter (grandma's girl) grow up. I always thought I would have my mom's companionship until I was older. I always thought I was the luckiest person to have such a loving mother. I always thought I would never survive if I lost my mom, but I am surviving and I know she would be proud of me.

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I always thought that my mom would be around for the tomorrows in my life.

I always thought that my mom was a great cook, a wonderful grandma, and a great friend.

I always thought my mom would enjoy traveling once my dad retired; he retired just a few years before she was dx with cancer and died. Now someone else is enjoying her golden years with my dad.

I always thought my mom had a funny, enjoyable way about her. When mom when in the hospital for a biopsy I always thought that she would get better even up to the very end.

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I always thought that when I put Johnny out of my mind so many years ago that I would never see him again. I thought that I had put him out of my heart as well but God knew better. He had plans for us that I could never have foretold.

I always thought that I would never love again so deeply as I had loved Johnny as a young girl but again I was wrong. That love was only the bud of the full blown bloom that we knew many years later.

I always thought that I would never be able to make it on my own. That I was weak and incapable. I know now that I have a strength that I was never aware of, a strength that Johnny saw and was proud of.

I always thought that no matter that I couldn't have him in my life and we were many miles apart he would always be out there somewhere loving me and giving me the courage to face what life threw at me. I could never imagine a world without him in it.

So many things that I always thought turned out to be wrong and I am so thankful forI was given the gift of a second chance. A chance to learn that sometimes God has plans for us that we would never suspect. That sometimes the best is left for another time. A chance to learn that where love is concerned there is no time nor measure and no real death but only eternity.

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I always thought that I would never be able to make it if one of my parents got cancer. I would not be able to watch them suffer. When my Dad was dx. I was scared to death. I thought I would never be able to handle all the demands that would be place on me. I live the closest to my parents and knew if would all fall on my shoulders. Well I was right about one thing. I has all fallen on my shoulders, but I have been able to handle it all. It has been the hardest time in my life, but I would not have it any other way. I feel so fortunate to be able to be with both of them every step of the way. I feel that my other sibblings are missing out on a very important life altering experience. I thank the Lord for the strength he has given me everyday.


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I always thought that I would never be able to deal with the news that something had happened to my mom. I'll never forget that call from my older sister telling me that my Mom found out she had lung cancer and they were giving her 3-6 months. She has continued to be strong, and brave and stay optimistic and never give in. She refuses to go without the best fight she has. That is why she is here with us now. We have become so much closer since learning the devastating news. I never take her for granted anymore. I truly love and respect my Mom for the person that she is. She is definately one of a kind!!!!

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