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Going Slow

Fay A.

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thank you all for the prayers. I believe they have played an important role in my survival.

Still in the hospital, but I'm hopeful that release will be in a few days...

The computers in the rooms here are difficult to use, so I'm limited. Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the kind words and prayer.

I keep you in mine as well.

PS If I have to stay here much longer I see me and a couple of other California Girls getting into some major trouble.

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I am really hoping that you get out of there really soon and back home to your computer, cause I miss your posts! Hey...stay out of trouble! I think we're managing the California situation but your expertise will be appreciated!!!!

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Oh, go ahead....do it.....get in some trouble. I bet you'd be really, really good at it, Missy Fay :wink:

So glad you're nearing getting sprung. To be home in your own bed at night, using your own (not so institutional looking, I'm sure) bathroom and eating food that is actually edible. Ahhhhhhh....the possibilities.

Keep on doing well, dear...as we do miss your wisdom, humor and input.

Thinking of you daily and sending out good thoughts.

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I am a believer in prayer as well. You know that you have a whole load of us prayin' for you from all over the world!

Get well soon!

Our Royal Highness has been taking care of the California problem nicely!

Glad you are checking in. Hope your sutures are staying put!

love, cindi o'h

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Okay, RY, I'm driving....meet me at the end of your driveway and we'll swing down and get Debi on our way to Fay and the Ride of the Chicken Cult. Grab your largest pot (I have one used for canning) and we'll start sacrificing birds along the way. Yeee-haw!

(Queen Liz, would you like to attend? How does one go about inviting the queen to a cult ritual?)

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Hi Fay,

Great to hear from you. :D You sound like you are on your road to recovery, especially when you talk about getting in trouble with your Calif. girls there. :twisted:

Get plenty of rest there, and prayers sent out for a speedy recovery.

Take care and hope to hear from you when you get home. Home sweet home, awaits. Won't be long. :wink:


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Sure Fay, I'm sure the prayers helped but don't forget the chicken sacrifices... :shock:

Okay, Ry, Beck, hop on the Queen's car (humour her, she's on steroids! :lol: ) and swing on down here to get me. Becky, you bring the pot :wink: ! I'll be the one walking west along the highway with the bag of chickens over my shoulder...

Anyway Fay, I'm glad you are doing better. Was worried about you.

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Thanks for the update. I was getting worried about ya. Also glad you see getting out of that place in your near future. We all miss you here lots. I'll keep sending my prayers and look forward to you returning to us regularly. In the meantime, don't get in TOO much trouble.

gail p-m[/i]

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