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Hello my brothers and sisters. Just dropping by to say im doing great. July 5th was my 3-year aniv. of surviving the LC. I had surgery in the beginning of June to remove my OTHER Adrenal gland. So the count is 1 Lung and 2 adrenal glands removed. AT This point I am NED. My onoc and my surgeon sent my tumor to a lab to do what they call Chemo sensitivity test to see what chemo’s have the best reaction to the tumor. They tested 15 different chemo’s and found 8 that reacted to the tumor. 2 of the chemo’s reacted very strong to the tumor. So I am now taking the 2 chemo’s once every 4 weeks. It is a 6-hour chemo. We are doing this for preventive reasons. My Doc moved to a med center that 2 miles from my house vs 20 miles where he was before. Tomorrow I will be interviewed for an article in the med center paper. When they asked me I was so excited because I felt that for the first time I was a success story.

Well I will try to keep everyone posted in the future.

god bless us all


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Hey Ray! It's so good to see a post from you! I like the idea of them testing the different chemos on your tumor...makes just great sense...maybe that's the step in finding a cure to this disease. I'm so glad to hear that you are NED! Good luck with your interview.

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nice to meet you, ray. I am a jersey girl (now living in NYC) born and raised. your post was very uplifting to me, as my mom just recently had a lung removed.

thanks for coming back and bringing good news with you! hope to see you again soon.



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We haven't met before. Glad you came back so I could meet you now!

Congratulations on being NED!! GREAT news!! Can't wait to read the article. Please share it with us. You really are a success story. And hearing about it helps everyone here.

Very interesting that you had the chemo sensitivity testing. That kind of modern precision would give me even more confidence in the chemo.


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Oh Ray, you have been really missed around this neighborhood! Now that you've been back...you can't leave us again! I'm so happy to hear all your good news and hear you are NED ! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I just think it's great that our members are doing so much to get all this great PR for lung cancer! You be sure that we get to see the article!!!

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Hi Ray, thanks so much for checking in. Sounds like you have some great Docs and a great plan in place. For now it seems you are hanging around with NED! Donna G

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