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Charlie's Endobrachytherapy Went Well


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Tina, so very glad to hear all went well.When I had checked into this procedure (was not a candidate because of location) I was told it usually does require 3 times.Also seems to me they said that the seeds are not left there permanent,they put them in and later take them out and put them in different places.???.

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I learned a lot more about it today. It was all done by computer automatically. It isn't really seeds. They have a small source (Iridium 192) that they put in the catheter. They designate several locations for the source to be "paused" (my words) to optimize the radiation to the tumor. In Charlie's case, they had 18 locations and radiated two tumors. The source is then removed and put back in the lead box. The nuclear physicist that did the treatment plan enters the information in the computer and they just watch the computer screen as it happens. It took a total of 7 minutes to do the whole procedure. I got to watch while talking to the radiation oncologist about it.

The scary part was that he coughed a couple of times and they were watching him very closely when that happened. There is a significant risk of bleeding from this procedure. So far so good. He has been sleeping all evening. Take care. I can't think you'll enough for your support, prayers, encouragement, etc.

Gotta go...exhausted and have to find a way to take Charlie to chemo. tomorrow, work some and run the kids around. Just another "new normal" day! LOL!!

God bless us all!

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