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Forty-Seven Years And Counting


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A year and a half ago when I was diagnosed with this beast, I didn't dream that I would see this day. Today is our 47th Wedding Anniversary, the luckiest day of my life. With the help of God and you great people on this site, we made it. Thanks both to God and You Guys.

Time to celebrate.


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MORE CAKE!!! And my, what a worthy occasion, Charlie....47 years~!! Congratulations to you AND Mrs. CharlieD.

Have a lovely day together...as I'm sure you will. I'm steaming towards 35 next May...and expect to make it.

Lots to celebrate this week. We're all gonna be on a sugar high by the time it's all over! :wink:

Again, Congrats to both of you for making what clearly was a very wise choice of....each other! 8)

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