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Although I am not new to my cancer diagnosis, I am new to your board...I must say you have a lot of info here and it is nice to see.

I post on the SLCA board a lot and someone there was talking about this website.

I am 50 years old, married, two grown kids and two grandkids. Quit smoking over ten years ago. I was diagnosed in December 2004 with 3A NSCLC right lung after many failed attempts of diagnosing everything but cancer..you name it, they thought I had it.

Did radiation, chemo, attempted right pneumonectomy (no clean borders) lung stays in and I do more chemo...total of seven months treatment.

I feel wonderful now. I had a bout of pneumonitis after completing last chemo, was hospitalized for five days, but other than that, I can not complain too much. I have residual pain from the thoracotomy, but I believe this to be a minor problem in the grand scheme of things.

I work full time as an R.N. in a county jail...

I believe attitude is a lot of what this disease course is about and I try to stay focused on living and overcoming this beast...

Nice to be on a website where I see lots of positive things going on. Glad someone mentioned this place and that I found it.


My favorite quote is by Woody Allen "I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens".

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Hi Midge. Welcome. I also am an RN and a survivor!

Glad you found us. I just turned 50 when I was diagnosed , had to start treatment with chemo and daily radiation as you can see in my bio info below. I will be celebrating 8 yrs on 12/3 of survival and still keeping friends with NED. I wish you the same. Keep us posted. Donna G

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welcome Midge! you sound like our kind of people. I'm so glad to hear things are stable, and your humor will get you far!! you have to be tough to do your day job, anyway, so the cancer doesnt' have a shot! :lol:

keep us posted,



PS. "our" board is your board too. :wink:

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Hi Midge!

Welcome! I'm so glad you're doing so well and I think you're 100% right about attitude. Your job is fascinating to me; bet you have some stories to share!

My favorite quote is by Woody Allen "I'm not afraid of dying, I just don't want to be there when it happens".

Love that! 8)


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