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Liver tumors - 1, Addie - 0


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They've grown. Largest one is back up to 4 cm, as big as the biggest one was when they were first found in February. The topotecan isn't working anymore...so as of Oct. 31st, I start on Taxotere.

The good news is, there are no NEW tumors. Still just the four that were there (as far as can be seen, anyway) and nothing anywhere else that they can see (ie: gall bladder, pancreas, other parts of the gut all look clean).

So...it's another "drop back and punt" and now I'll go in for treatment once a week. I can't remember what my onc said about how long tx lasts...but will find out, unless one of you can tell me.

Any input on anything re: Taxotere?

I'm okay. Kinda takes a little wind out of one's sails whenever there is a progression...but as I always say, As long as there is a game plan...I'm on it.

When I run out of game plans...well....we'll worrry about that later.

Much later, I hope.

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Oh Addie,

Damn!!! I'm really sorry to hear this, but if anyone can pull themselves back up to the plate to continue the fight , you can. Don't know about Taxotere in sclc. Mike had it for NSClC. He had good results and shrinkage for a while with it. SCLC is more sensitive to chemo and hopefully this will be just the one you need. Prayers coming your way Addie.



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Oh Crap! I was so hoping to hear those little buggers were out of the ball park! :x Damn Damn Damn!

Well, onto the next game play. We have had a lot of our members here on Taxotere, and I have had some of my LC in person members on it was well. One of the side effects one gal had was her fingernails fell off. :shock:

But, for the most part, she tolerated very well.

Besides, you know everyone is different! We'll just hope for NO SIDE EFFECTS!


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Addie,sorry to hear a couple of them dirty buggers are still giving you a hard time.

I have nsclc and was treated with Taxol & carboplatin 2 times and just Taxol 1 time.I believe the Taxol is a taxotere family chemo (not sure).

I had a rough time with it but it was very worth while as it produced good results every time I was on it.

If I remember correctly my chemo lasted about 3.5 hours when I got both them along with the other crap they give you.When I had just Taxol I think it was around 2 hours along with the other crap they give you.

Hang in there my friend and keep the faith,I'm sure this will have good results for you.

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Back up and punt has got to be the right play right now. Keeping you in my prayers and hoping the taxotere is the one that puts it through the goal posts.

Like everyone has said, its not the news we were all hoping for but its the news we have to deal with. We love you Addie and if anyone can do this it is you. Your additude will get you through all of this.


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Well Addie :( ,

I read your post a little while ago. I have just been thinking and thinking about it ever since. For sure this was not at all what I expected to hear. I was all ready with the atta girl reply :wink: . So I am finding myself at a loss for words.

I know you will deal like you always do....with guts and humor. Hopefully Taxotere will prove successful. You know my most heartfelt wishes will be that it is.

This da#* disease proves to be a formidable foe at times doesn't it :twisted: ? BUT it is met here with strength of will...the wills of MANY of us to beat it back. So dear Addie, I know you realize we all will be right there with you every step of the way.




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Addie, your highness,

To finish what Ry said, ***=tch!

I did have Taxotere after taxol and carboplatin.

I hope you like to fish (but I know you don't) cuz it made me want to go out and sit in a boat all day with a fishing rod in my hands! :D

In many ways, it was easier than the carbo/taxol thing. But, like Ry's John, I had lots of aches. Mouth sores. Didn't want to bathe, no energy for dusting, and my right little toenail fell off! Fell off!!! weird!

It is doable. And it has a very good reputation for success. So, just get ready to be put down for a bit. And curl up with some good scenery. 8)

love ya tons...

you can do this!

Cindi o'h

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There are so many cuss words that I could string together right now but none would truly say what I'm feeling at this moment.

Well my friend, it's back to the drawing board. This has been two steps forward and one step back for a while now, just remember that it's a CHRONIC disease and you'll win the war.......this is just another battle to wage.

I'm having a word with the man upstairs tonight......this just ain't good enough!

Keep the faith m'dear, if anyone can do it you can.

Love ya,


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So sorry to hear that. I will definately keep you in my prayers. As far as the taxotere, I had 6 treatments. Keep a close eye on your blood counts and I would stay away from public places as much as possible.



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Addie, this is certainly not what I wanted to hear this morning but... you're a fighter and you can add this to your list of things to kick in tha *ss! If you want my opinion, I think it was the dusting that brought this on! Housework can never be a really good thing for any woman!!! I'm glad your doctor is thinking fast with lots of backup plans! I'm asking God to let this treatment be the magic one for you!

Hey gal, just take those knitting needles with you to treatment and get all your Christmas gifts made while you wait! See...I knew we could find domething positive here. Plus...if someone says or does something you don't like...you can poke "em in the butt!

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oh, addie. that's so crappy to hear but I have so much faith in your ability to fight this latest set back that will change the scorecard to read:

cancer: two men on base, two outs, middle of the roster at bat

addie: future hall-of-fame pitcher about to strike the b*&%Wrd out 8)



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Sweetcakes, you are SO far ahead of this stuff, that your odometer is starting all over. With your "Addietude" and your doc who fights right along with you, you're gonna punt this gunk outta the ball park.

You know we all love you and we're crossing all digits and sending you little pieces of our hearts while you fight this.

Take care of yourself.


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I am sorry about this news, but I know if anyone can fight this it is you. I draw such strength from you.

I say the Hell with the punt, fake the punt and throw for a touchdown and Win this fight!!!! :twisted:

Please know I am sending big prayers your way that the new Meds will help.


Husband Alan DX small cell lung cancer Jan 10th 2005

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As I''ve said before, it is so hard to respond to news like this without swearing, big time, words even you wouldn't understand. But anyway, sorry to hear they are back but I know you will fight it as before. We're all on your side. Hang tough.

Hope Taxotere does it for you. Looks like I will be going on it too in a couple weeks.

God Bless.


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Sorry about this latest progression, Addie. Hoping Taxotere works well for you. You need to take special care with your fingers and toes. It really wreaks havoc with your nails, and it's easy to end up with a nasty infection. If you do any gardening at all be sure to wear waterproof gloves under your leather gardening gloves, and a face mask that is effective against organic vapors and dust particulate.

Hang in there.

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Addie, not the results I was hoping you were going to post. But like so many above me have alluded to, if ANYONE can beat it back down, my money is on you and your wonderful attitude. I know your cells have 'Addie-tude footprints' in them and there is nothin' more conquering that that.

Use this time to rest up for holiday festivities and take the best care of yourself,


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