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Oncology Appointment Report on Brian


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I am so sorry you keep getting bad news. :cry: I wish so much in a miracle for him and for the news to change for the better. All you can hope for right now is for that miracle and for him to be comfortable.

My candle is always lit for Brian and I will continue that along with prayers sent to him daily.

Hang in there Pat, you are such in inspiration and I am so glad I know you.



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Pat, always remember that you and Brian are always in my thoughts and prayers. I know how you feel right now and it isn't a good feeling. Just try and focus on miracles and remember they can and do happen!

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Dear Pat,

I'm so sorry that you received bad news from the doctor. I so admirer Brian's determination to fight this cancer. It is truely inspiring. I wish so bad that my Dad could talk with Brian about his journey. Dad has never really been in the fight. You are such a wonderful loving couple (like my parents), and my heart aches for you. We certainly know your pain. Praying for a miracle for Brian.


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I am so sorry Brian is having such a hard time. It seems once it gets in the liver it just doesn't want to let go. Ken is having continuing progression in the liver too and it is very discouraging. I am glad that Brian is not giving up, I will continue to keep you both in my thoughts and prayers.

Karen H

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