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I've got brain mets - HELP!!!!


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Yes, you have received some dreadful news. You have to give yourself some time to absorb the news, there is no way to get around that. There are people who have survived brain mets, some reside right here on this board.

My Dad used to tell me, "if someone else in the class can get an A, you can too!" From your posts I can tell you are a great researcher.

Edit: I posted before I read your update. I know you can beat this Leslie, good luck. I'm glad you now have Mark back and remember, it's doable!


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Well Leslie-Mark should be in by now. I just got on this PM and saw your post. I HATE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Just keep on typing, don't worry about next year right now. Do what it takes to get this under control and time will take care of itself.

Love Cindy

Prayers and (((HUGS)))))

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Oh you poor thing...having to get this news is shocking on its own, but having to hear it while your husband is out of town. Thank goodness you have such wonderful friends, and everyone here. And I am sure that all your furbabies are there for you to hold and to hug as well...pets are so good for just being there for us, even if they don't understand why we are sad.

Hang in there, we will be praying for you.

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Oh my dear, I know exactly what you are going through. I remember that feeling of hopelessness when my doctor called to tell me that I had 6 brain mets.

Then my husband reminded me about all the people here that had successfully treated their brain mets and it gave me hope.

My WBR was for 10 days. Once you are on the table and they have you all lined up, it literally takes 30 seconds on one side of your head and 30 seconds on the other. (I'm sure you're finding this out today!)

The hardest part of WBR for me was having to get up and go to the hospital every day. I was very tired and had some short term memory problems, BUT..... now those 6 brain mets can't even be seen on my MRI!

The worst of my symptoms were definately from the decadron.

So Leslie, think about all of your friends here that made it through and know that you can do this. You are strong and this is just another one of those "bumps in the road" that we have to endure with this disease.

Good luck,


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Leslie: I am glad to see you are feeling a little more upbeat now and are embracing your tretment. I know it would take me more than a few days to recover from the shock and fear of having brain mets, yet I know that lots of people deal effectively with them, as I am sure you will.

Meanwhile some advances are being made in developing drugs that will pass the blood-brain barrier. Here is a link about work that MD Anderson is doing in a phase one study.

http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medical ... wsid=33753

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My dearest Leslie,

I just never thought I would be answering this distressing post from you. I am completely torn by this news.

Lately, I have not been on too much and for some reason missed your post. I am so sorry, but at least I know that Mark is now home with you. And now you have added strength and comfort in your corner.

You know how I feel about you, and I am devastated for all the mental pain and anguish you and Mark are facing. The hardest part is that I feel so helpless here, but you know that mega prayers have gone out to you from all over.

I am adding my Leslie candle to my other ones who have been burning for healing others on here.

But I will say this; I know you will get through this. No doubt in my mind. You are a fighter and just because there is this detour in your way it will just take a little more time to get around it and put you back on the right road. That road called recovery. It is out there waiting for you. No detour is going to stop that from happening.

I know I do not have to tell you to keep a positive "additude" as you are one of the most motivated positive people on this board.

I love when you answer people’s posts. You have a knack for finding the right webpage links to help people who ask questions about anything. You always seem to do online research and find the right links for them to view.

I always look forward to reading your responses and you always make me smile with your sincerity and that keen wit you have.

You are a winner, and you will not lose this battle. Trust me, I just know it!!

Besides your beloved Mark, I insist you use us anytime to vent and keep letting those feeling out like you have been doing. That is the best medicine as you are not keeping it bottled up inside. You are sharing your feelings and I hope you know how much we love you and care for you and want to help and support you through this. It is time for us to give back to you what you have given so many on here.

This is round one my friend, and we are all in your corner rooting you on and chanting your name...Leslie...Leslie...Leslie..

You can do this...and this too shall pass.

Love ya,


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Now I have to go to confession, as I have been saying some very very bad words for a couple days.. :shock:

Now that those words are all out, now I can post along with the rest. I am coming toward acceptance of these new findings. And, like with everyone else, I have faith that you and your medical team will be able to beat this back. I also know that you will be able to make all the right treatment choices for Leslie. You haven't been doing all this work for nothing, you know.

TAnn, I told you is a level-headed mets fighter. Look to her for advice and inspiration.

We are all here for you Leslie! We are your pound puppies who adore you!

love, Cindi o'h

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Leslie, I know I'm late here, but you can certainly beat this.

My mom had WBR, and it wasn't that big a deal. Short-term memory problems, but not bad at all. And she STILL has all her personality.

Gamma knife could also be used if some of those mets are too stubborn for WBR. Mom had gamma knife for regrowth. And don't let her story faze you - sclc moves much faster. Your cancer has been easily controlled up to now, so hopefully the WBR will fry the boogers into oblivion.

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