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Mom had her appt and......

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there was a spot on her fifth rib that showed up not sure if it is from an injury or if it is a tumor and there was a spot they saw on her lumbar spine but her bowels were in the way and they were not able to make anything of it. She has a Ct of the chest tomorrow and I guess another 3-5 business day wait. I am very nervous about these results and would appreciate any extra prayers that it is nothing.

I am very sad and nervous right now. :(

Thank you all for your support and prayers.


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Oh Heidi,

I was so convinced that all would be fine. I will be praying still that is so. Just the extended time is enough to due you in, for sure. Just remember that we are all here praying and hoping so YOU little 'mother' try to let us do it for you. We are here whenever you need us.



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