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Look What I Got For Mother's Day !!!


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I got this beautiful, very unexpected picture in a beautiful frame. I'm finally going to be a grandma!!!

My only regret is that Dennis is not here with me to share this wonderful news! Baby is due November 21 and I can't wait. My youngest son is getting married on November 11th and the new dad and mom are supposed to be in the wedding. This wedding has the potential to be very exciting.

http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i308/ ... an0002.jpg

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Congratulations Grandma or Nana or Nanny or Grammy or Hot Mama!!!! Whatever you will choose to be called!!!! This certainly DOES add an air of excitement to the November wedding, doesn't it?? You must be just outside of yourself!!!!


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Ry...we don't know the sex. Mom and Dad told the doctor that they don't want to know. They want to do this the old fashioned way and be surprised. I think that's neat and I'm fine with that. When we start shopping, we'll just do lots of greens and yellows to be on the safe side. My first impulse was to refer to the baby as "she". Not sure why, as I have three boys. Maybe it's merely wishful thinking but I do have a gut feeling it's going to be a girl.

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