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Dear Mainecoon,

Your tribute to your beloved Sweetheart was poignantly heart wrenching. I pray that you are able to achieve some surcease to your pain by sharing your wonderful memories. Your grief is palpable. May your enduring love see you through this tough time.

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Oh Al, as I sit here with tears on my cheeks I just wish I could reach out and hug you. I am so very sorry that you lost Margaret. I wish I could have met her, but I feel like I know her from the way you describe her. She sounds like she was a beautiful woman inside and out. I know she will be there waiting for you someday just as you describe. My heart and prayers go out to you. (((((Hugs)))))))

THat was a beautiful tribute. :cry:

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Wow, that took my breath away. Your Margaret was lucky to live a life with such a wonderful man who loved her so. You should be proud of the relationship you HAVE with one another. She's still with you, she's still your wife and will always be your wife...that will never change. You remember that.

Her early life with you as well as her life with cancer have changed you and made you a different person now which makes part of you a part of her. She has made you who you are today...you use that and remember that she is with you in everything you do because she is part of your personality....1/2 of you is always Margaret and will always be Margaret. You have not lost her, you have taken some of her and kept it with you on earth until such time you can be with her again. She may not be here physically, but she will always be your soulmate.

I hope you can find some comfort in my words...we are here for you.

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Dear Al,

My heart goes out to you. That was such a beautiful letter about your precious and beautiful Margaret. She was such a special lady and she is watching down on you now. She no longer has any pain and is with our precious Lord Jesus. Please know that you are in my prayers and I pray that the heartache and pain will ease with time.

God Bless you



Dx'd 3-13 , NSCLC 3a, Radiation (38 treatments) March -May 2003 and chemo taxol/carbo April - May, two month break, started chemo again July 23, 2003 taxol/carbo (3 wk cycles)

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Thank you for sharing those precious memories of a very special person and relationship that you two had. I realize that you are grieving and aching with loneliness right now. However, many never achieve the wonderful love that you two had and may those memories be of comfort to you. That was a beautiful tribute to your wife!

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Guest Karen C

Al, this is David C's wife (see our photo on his post above).

Please know that you will see Margaret again. And until you do, continue to enjoy the beautiful earth that God gave us and put your trust in Him. I think you are doing both.

You were a very lucky man to have had Margaret as your life for so long.

God Bless You,

Karen C.

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Your wife is so beautiful and your tribute so touching. Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. I hope that you are spending time with friends and trying to take care of yourself, I can relate to the experience with the neighbors, I went though similar emotional turmoil at one point in my life. I also saw hope for the future in your writing and I was so glad for that. We are all here for you and can feel your pain. I know that you can work your way through and eventually find comfort in your memories.


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That was a great tribute. I am a firm believer we will meet again with our loved ones but for now, we must carry on with this earth life, find our way out of our sadness and keep all the good memories in our hearts. Of course this is not an overnight thing. There is one lesson that no one has ever taught us, it is one we must each learn on our own, - - survival I can tell you are working on it...Peace....

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