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He lost the battle...


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My dad, Dave, passed away peacefully at 7am this morning, with me holding his hand.

Sleep well now, Dad, we all love and miss you!!!

Caren x

I would like to thank each and everyone one of you for the kindness, love and support that you having given to me during the past 9 months.

Caren x

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Oh Caren--I'm so sorry to read this. I hope it will bring you some comfort to know that you did everything possible to help him and I'm sure it meant everything to him that you were with him at the end.

Now we will be here for you--as always, we will be here for you.



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Caren I am so sorry to read this news. Please know you did everything you could and should have done. dont ever feel otherwise. Cancer cant take away the life and everything else but not the Memories or the Love we have for our family members!! Every time you feel a breeze or hear the wind Remember Dad and the fun times You had growing up!!!

My thoughts Prayers and Condolences!!

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Thank you all so much for your kind words.

I know that dad had been deteriorating slowly over the past few weeks, but after being told on Monday that he had weeks left, this morning and a phone call at 6:30am came as quite a shock to us all.

Dad managed to wait for me to arrive. I gave him a kiss and told him that I loved him and that it's Ok if he wants to go now. He took another breath and then he left, peacefully.

I didn't find the time to speak with him about his final wishes, although I did already know a few of them and so I will work with and build on those and hopefully I will get it right for him on the day.

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Caren, whatever You do it will be Right !!! Hang in there ! This is the new normal that we hate so much but......

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Caren - I am so very sorry to hear about your dad. No matter how we try to prepare, we are never prepared for them to leave, so I understand the shock.

I am sure that the day will be everything you want it to be and more - you loved him deeply and that will show in every action.

I am wishing you peace and strength in the difficult days ahead Caren.


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Caren, I'm so sorry for the loss to you and your family. I am glad for you father, however, that he passed in peace with you at his side. His struggle had become so difficult. May you find the strength to weather your grief.

Judy in Key West

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my heart broke when I read this post. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved father. Please accept my deepest sympathies....

Your dad will live on through you and all of his love ones and will always be just a whisper away.

I wish I had some words of wisdom to say to you at this time, but I just want you to know that Iam thiking of you and sending healing vibes. We are alway here for you to vent and to give you support

My heart to yours


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