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More stupid cancer patient tricks


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In my never-ending quest to distract myself from lung cancer, chemo, etc., I've come up with yet another new affliction--corneal abrasion!

I was removing some links from a bracelet this morning (ironically, a medical alert bracelet recommended for people with a port), when one of the little pins (similar to a watch bracelet) got stuck as I was pulling it out. I used a pair of tweezers to extract it and next thing you know, the damn thing (the tiny pin) shot out of the bracelet, free of the tweezers, around my glasses, and into my eye. I swear, if you offered me a million dollars I couldn't duplicate that feat. It was so painful I thought for a minute it was under my eyelid but when I finally found the pin on the floor I knew the pain was due to a cut/scratched eye. 

Went to urgent care and the doc was able to see the scratch under UV light. He prescribed antibiotic ointment but wanted me to see an ophthalmologist tomorrow--he made me an appointment with the guy he sees. So tomorrow I'll have a fun-filled morning seeing the orthopedic surgeon for my collarbone as result of my last stupid cancer patient trick and then a visit to the ophthalmologist. Guess I should be grateful I'm at least over the worst of the side effects from this round of chemo. 

Normally I probably just would have waited for this to heal on its own but I figured with chemo, I should be proactive about the risk of infection,


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So in your future script writing, go ahead and include these crazy happenings even if you don't think they're believable. 

Yikes, hope your eye heals quickly. 

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OMG!  What a freak accident!!  Glad you went to urgent care.  Never a good idea to 'wait and see' with eye injuries.  My husband got hit in the eye with a handball many years ago and was going to do just that.  Luckily, he was dating a nurse at the time and she persuaded him to go to ER, where  he learned that the swelling would have caused permanent damage if he had waited.  

Hope you get good news today on both injuries!!


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Re the collarbone. Guess what, it's fractured. The orthopedic surgeon couldn't believe it was missed--both in the Xray done at the ER and in the CT scan a few days later (before my first infusion). HE is concerned it might be indicative of a bone met there, since it's at the thickest point of the bone (most clavicle fractures are where the bone is thinner). So when I finally got home I messaged my oncology team. Meantime, I have to wear a sling for a month. He thinks it should heal OK. I also have to sleep on my wedge pillow till it's healed. 

Re the eye. It's scratched, all right. Doc wants me to continue with antibiotic ointment and come back to have it checked in a week. Meantime, it hurts like a SOB. I asked if he could prescribe me some of the numbing ointment he used for the exam and he said the problem is that if you use it all the time you can lose the eye. He knew an ER nurse who self-medicated and lost the eye.

In the small world department, I chatted with a fellow patient in waiting room at the ortho surgeon's office, who was treated for Stage 3 NSCLC at Penn (doing well a few years out) and my ophthalmologist is on Keytruda maintenance for thymus cancer (also treated at Penn) after getting carboplatin chemo. He was very insistent I put an ice pack on my feet during infusion to prevent neuropathy (he made it clear this was advice as a fellow patient, not an oncologist!). Anyone hear of that??

So anyway I'm thinking I shouldn't go for my annual GYN exam--the way things are going right now I'd prolly find out I'm pregnant.


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Ha!  Might be a good idea to skip 😀

Interesting idea about the ice pack.  I guess it might be similar to the cold capping that folks do to try to keep hair.  BUT thinking back to an earlier conversation with Babs (I think) pretty sure someone said it (the cold cap) might interfere with the effectiveness of chemo.   I'll look for that post later. 

SO sorry you have to endure the eye pain. Did he say how long it would last?  

At least the collarbone should heal without further intervention aside from the sling.  Sigh.  


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They need to have more emojis! wanted to click on the laughing face, but also the sad face! You poor thing, you sure have had your fill lately, I'd say! I have a friend on Facebook who has a mishap just about every other day! She it usually involves the fire dept, police dept or urgent care lol! A out of control oven, or new alarm system, potted plant falling on her foot, you name it. She lost her husband to cancer quite a few years back and is such a dear. She says if it could happen, it will happen to her! I will let her know she is not alone.

Please take care, maybe just go out for chemo and right back home for now just to be safe eh! ❤️

You will be in my thoughts LexieCat 😃


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I couldn't write a script that could cover the incidents you're experiencing.  But the good news is, you met other survivors of this disease and that can be encouraging.  Please stay safe.  


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Yes, please do stay safe! Enough is enough! I'll light a candle to send energy to keep all of your body parts intact and unscathed. (Oh, and unpregnant, too.)  

Bridget O

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Ummm, so I think it's time you either put yourself into a bubble or a padded room and wear a helmet with safety glasses 24/7.  Steel-toed boots may be in order too!  And probably body armor. I about spit out the tea I was drinking when I read your comment about being pregnant - wouldn't that be the icing on the cake?!! lol

I hope your aches, pains, and scratches start feeling better soon.  What a crappy thing to deal with when you are already feeling crappy from treatment.  Sending quick healing vibes your way!!  Ohh and am I wishing for 1 line or 2 lines on the pregnancy test?!! lol

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Yikes!   I am so sorry that you now have another "medical" appointment to add to your list.    I have had a corneal abrasion and it's pretty uncomfortable, but thankfully in my case it was easily and successfully treated with the Antibiotic Ointment.    Mine was a "hairbrush" to my eye, and HOW I ever did it to myself I really do not now.  But, like you it was quickly seen by my PCP with the UV light.  

Hopefully your appointment went well and it's feeling better.  

You need to wrap yourself up with with "cotton" and not have any further injuries!

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Geesh!  I should have read the entire thread before I posted!

  Sorry to hear that your collarbone is fractured and more sorry that it was missed and that you've been 'suffering' for days now.    Sure hope the sling helps and that you can sleep.  I'm sure it's a challenge.

 I have never heard about the "ice" on the feet, but unless it was a warm summer day, my feet would freeze and I can't imagine that being comfortable, especially in the cold months.  I'd pass on that, not doubt!   I do no like being cold.  

  Take care, hoping this is last of any injuries!        Pregnant?   LOVE your sense of humor-despite all you've been through!!


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I tell ya, with all of what you have going on, you are certainly a GOLD star in my book. Take care of yourself! As Lisa stated, I too LOVE your sense of humor. 🤪

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So this morning the eye pain seems ALMOST completely gone. Yesterday it was off and on but still wound up dozing off to rest it when it got too sore. 

And I'm getting more used to the sling for my arm, as well as getting used to sleeping on the wedge pillow. 

My mom used to have a saying that certain unpleasant things were like hitting yourself in the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop. That seems to apply to quite a few aspects of life these days. I should be feeling QUITE a bit better just in time for my next infusion. Incidentally, next week I also have my first CT scans since starting chemo. That's on Monday and my appt with oncologist (& infusion) is Thurs. Hopefully I don't have to injure any other body parts to distract me from the scanziety. 

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I'm praying for vastly improved scans!

By the power vested in me, more specifically, a very long tenured lung cancer survivor, I hereby declare that LexieCat has had enough drama. The gods of drama are hereby ordered to cease their antics, and the gods of NED are beseeched to amp up the effect of therapy!

Fingers and toes are crossed along with a vast number of signs of the cross completed to counter scanziety and reveal a positive treatment outcome.

Stay the course.


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