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Taking the Hall Pass....


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and running away from home this weekend. We will be gone, Friday afternoon until Sunday. We have a man coming to refinish the wood floors and we have to leave the house. Caitlin has a soccer tournament till Saturday then we'll head somewhere else till it's safe to come back.

Now last time I left I put David A in charge but I believe this is his car show weekend so Debi will have to keep you all in line. Fine em big Deb! You all behave yourselves.


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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Ry, You have a daughter named Caitlin!!

That's one of my pseudonyms.

Have a great time. You deserve it for all the work you've done on the board.


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Good to know you are putting what few fines you collect to use. :lol: I hear you get to keep a percentage!

Now if Bruce would only pay his fines, you and the family could have gone to Dollywod this weekend. Heck you could have stayed a whole week!

Seriously, enjoy!


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Thanks Angie for helping..Ry knows I am NOT good with money..I should not be collecting fines.

Okay Ry, a $10 fine for LEAVING the house when someone named Sven is doing your floors....... :shock::lol::lol::lol:

And Bruce, I am so glad to hear all is well with your cough.. $10 fine for changing the subject. :twisted:

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Actually Debi (swear to God) his name is Igor! We'll probably come home and the floors will be the same and all our stuff will be in a moving van somewhere.

Cat, when we chose the name Caitlin no one had that name that I knew, now they are everywhere! There is another Caitlin on the soccer team that is quite girly so we call her "Princess Caitlin" and ours is just "Caitlin".

BRUCE! You putz! I told you it was all the crap flying in the air! Ten dollar fine for not trusting my diagnosis!

Be good guys!


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My Neurosurgeon is named Igor. Business must be bad if he's taken up refinishing floors.

Enjoy the mini vacation and the newly sanded floors when you return. Maybe at the LCSC Michigan Get Together you can have a contest to see who can slide the farthest distance across the floors in their stocking feet.

And you can fine me all you want, OKDebi, but you'll never see the cash! Cause their isn't any.....it's all going into this black pit I'm calling a house!:P

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Ry, you all could have headed down my way. I would have put you up for the weekend with pleasure. We could have done Kings Island, the Zoo, and a cookout at Norme's....

As for Igor, my floors need it to so head him south when he is finished...

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I don't know about Igors, but do you know the Burgers?

There's S. Berger, the gastroenterologist.

There's Ira Berger, the pulmonary specialist.

And there's B. Berger, my primary caregiver and hug provider.

The surgeon's name is.......




(No, not Igor....)



..... Shrump.

Go figure.

I am NOT making this up.



P.S. Does Igor do light housework???

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Kathi: Today Igor came to get paid and started talking about his childhood in Siberia! :shock: How did you know?

Debi, nice job keeping everyone in line. BTW, Igor is cute, come to Michigan and see. :P

Remind me never to do my floors again. We have 2 rooms cleaned, the rest looks like it snowed wood dust. When I find our desk again, I will get the party invitaions out...


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I cannot believe that you have resorted to dangling cute Russian, big muscled floor strippers named Igor under my nose to get me to the party. :roll:

There probably isn't even an Igor. I'll come up there and it will be Bruce in a Dolly wig that he got off Ebay, singing Thank God I'm a Country Boy in a bad Russian accent while David shoots at his feet and Becky sings harmony. :shock::lol::lol:

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