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Resuming chemo

David A

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Hi Everyone, Next friday July 30th I am going to resuime chemo with a drug called Alimita(sp?), it is intraveneous but only takes like ten minutes, I guess the pre-drugs and mixing it takes the longest.This is what I had planned on doing, there was a car show I wanted to go to in June, drag races last weekend, and the Michigan bash this weekend, and I didn't want to be sick with chemo for any of these events, so I feel like I'm calling the shots and in control of my treatment. I haven't had any chemo or treatments for my cancer since early April 2004, so this friday I'm getting a cat scan to get a base line. I feel good about this and hope this new chemo is the one that will knock the cancer out of my body.

Man the humidity is like 100% here today I went outside to clean up some glass my kids broke by accident, I could hardly breathe, I hope the humidity goes down some as I wanted to go to this ice cream parlor where people cruise with their classic cars, well if not tonight then nother wednesday. Thanks for reading. David A

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I am glad that you were able to enjoy your summer and even more glad that you are going back on a treatment plan next week. I have a good feeling about this chemo too!!!

I can relate strongly to the humidity outside. It is humid here in Oklahoma and something like 108 on the heat index. We had ozone alerts in several parts of the state and I am feeling it whenever I go outside. Today at work they decided to work on the central air so at some points during the day, all the zones were turned off. I felt like I couldn't get enough air. One of my coworkers asked me if I am having it rough breathing because she noticed yesterday that my breathing was different. This heat affects me even when I am indoors it seems. :shock:

Stay cool and breathe easy David!!

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Okay David, are you really going to do Happy Days reenactments now that you have your teenage 'hot' car?

Glad to hear that you have a new treatment plan. You know I will pray for success and that it is easy, easy on your dear bod.

Have a blast this weekend and please give a toast to all of us wannabees.

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David,Glad your going with more treatments.Hope they are doable w/ little discomfort.And yes you talked me into it.I'm going to get some ice cream.

PS: This weekend I am going to be a sour grape(very jealous) because I can't make it to the party.I hope all of you have a great time.

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Alimta will probably be my next chemo, so I'll be watching your progress and will be eager to hear how you are doing. Are they starting you on vitamins before the chemo? I am very optimistic for you and my doctors have said that the side effects aren't bad, which I hope will be the case. I'll hold you in my prayers, as always.


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Best of luck David. I hope this chemo kicks butt with this cancer. It sounds like you have had a fairly nice summer. Maybe the side effects won't be so bad and you can still have a nice fall and winter as well. Keep us posted. You are always in my prayers


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Hi David,

Hoping that this new drug really blows the doors off those cancer cells for you. I love reading all your posts about the kids and cars. Steve's brother came from Michigan to help us and he is such a classic car freak. He about drives off the road every time one passes. The movie American Graffitti is a sacred tome to him (he even went to nearby Petaluma and asked around until he found the road where the car race scene was filmed). A Michigan car nut in California is a dangerous thing! :P

Have a great time at the party, and don't waste too much time pitying us poor wannabees :wink:

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I read an article in a magazine about Alimta. It said you should get a

B-12 shot the week before you start and also should take Folic Acid each day. It says to get the B-12 every 9 weeks. Will you be getting Cisplatin also? This chemo is also used for Mesothelioma. Must be a really strong chemo but less side effects. The article said by taking Folic Acid and getting the B-12 shot it lessens the side effects. Praying for NED results...

God Bless,


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Man! You and my Dad MUST have been seperated at birth. My dad is so DOWN in the dumps because he isnt going to make his annual trip down to Burbanais Il. to see the Bears train, that hes not even enjoying the fact that he's NED, or the fact that the surgeon told him that he wont have to go back in for more surgery! You boys are so SO silly! (Just joking) I do get it though. Doing WHAT you want to do When you want to do it sounds great to me...

By the way... HUMIDITY here is ridiculous!!! We just got hit with some NASTY storms yesterday and today... did you get em too? Seeing were neighbors and all. Michigan is just a hop away...


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I got a b-12 shot yesterday and I'm taking folic acid once a day, I'm just getting the Alimta alone, takes about ten minutes to dispense it they use it with cisplatin for meselthemioma(sic) I guess for lc they just use Alimta alone.

Heat index is like 100 degrees here and humidity must be 150% or better if it can be that high. I can't breathe outside well at all. My wife and kids are at cubscout camp for a few days so I guess I'm laying low tonight,not only that I have to be at the hospital ar 7:30am for a cat scan.

I'm going to do my best and not read the side effects of this new chemo, I'll have my wife do it as she understands that stuff better anyways, it seems every chemo I have every side effect, I want this one to go well and be the one to kick cancers ugly butt!

Here I go rambling again.

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No side effects, this is supposed to be the gentler chemo. NED is waiting to be added to your family. Have a great time Saturday and hope the weather is nice and not too hot. Looking forward to everyones posts after the party. Those of us who couldn't make it will be thinking about all of you... :)

Blessings and prayers,


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David I will be praying this new Chemo brings you to NED right soon, and with few/no side effects.

Are you going to the Michigan get together? If so, I was going to try and persuade my husband into going in his 1969 Dodge Coronet Superbee. He hasn't really been able to drive it for almost 14 years now, but he loves that car. It will be incentive for him to get to feeling better soon.

It isn't all restored yet, but it is a work in progress. I just got it up and running again, after 10 years sitting in our garage, for his birthday in Sept. 03. All he needs now is an exhaust and it will be fully driveable. Then we can start on all the cosmetic stuff.

You are in my prayers, always


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Guest bbypookins

My mom is also starting Alimta on July 29th. I hope it does the trick for both of you. Apparently, the side affects are much less severe, so that's a plus. Keep us informed.

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