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Met with Dr. Nemunaitis, My hope has been restored!


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Dear Friends,

I just got back from Mary Crowley Medical Research Center in Dallas. It is located in Baylor, but not a part of the oncology department. The good news is, that all of my doctors have met with Dr. Nemunaitus and discussed my case. This doctor is the originator of GVAX. I was also looking at MD Anderson, into a trial being done with Avastin, Tarceva, and Taxotere. A three sleeve blind study. Dr. Nemunaitis said that he passed up this combination for CT-2103/Carboplatin, and PT100. I am not sure if I will meet all their criteria for this trial. If not, I would be given CT-2103 and Taxol. They would probably administer this for 20 weeks- maybe 2 rounds. If the cancer continued to grow I would be taken off of this trial immediately, and given something else they are testing. My oncologist could only offer me Taxotere, with only a 1% complete response! Dr. Nemunaitis told me that I should have no less than 50% response, and some have even had a complete reponse. If I become a candidate for GVAX, he will also keep that option open to me too. He also said that after the trial, he would do the new vaccine drug as a follow up. So, I have renewed hope!!!! I just pray that the cancer has not spread to my heart, and I am eligible for these options. I must also go through a battery of tests to see if I am able to do this trial. I am scared of having a brain MRI again. I think that is the worst test!!! Please my dear friends, keep me in your prayers for this trial. I am so thankful to all of your posts and prayers. I am praying for all of you as well.


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I am so glad you found a doctor with hope - HOPE is so very important. My prayers are with you guys. I'm with you on the brain MRI - I just try to take my self to a happy place til its over. You hang in there and keep us posted.

Love and hugs,


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I too will keep you in my prayers that you qualify for the Gvax or other trials and that it works quickly for you. As for the MRI....I had one last Friday. Close your eyes...and think about the ocean or some other place that makes you feel calm. Don't open them until they slide you out. It helped me.


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Dear Cheryl,

I am THRILLED that you have this new hope. Hope is what it's all about, and you are in my prayers every day.

I've had a brain MRI about 3 years ago and did ok with it, but I did keep my eyes closed. It was an "open" MRI and those are a little easier. I had to have a closed MRI for my back, and had to take 2 Ativan to get through that one. Like Nushka said, I just close my eyes and refuse to open them until it's all over.

Much love and prayers for you and Jack both, Cheryl.



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I am so happy for you. It sounds like you have doctors that are aware of the new trials and meds. The MRI test is pretty bad, I just said a lot of prayers and kept my eyes closed, it helped. You are always in my prayers...

God Bless and hugs,


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