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Rob has hospice care now


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Rob is now on 400Mg Duragesic patch, and the liquid morphine, and ativan for anxiety. He is not awake much, beause when he is, he has pain. So he sleeps pretty much all the time. He is ready to meet the Lord and I can't blame him, although its so hard to let him go. I know I have to, he will be happy and have no more sorrow or pain in heaven. Its only a matter of God's timing now.... I wonder if he will make it to his birthday, which is Sunday August 1st. He will be 49, way to young to die. It so unfair and my heart aches so bad. :cry: Thanks for all the support out there and God be with us all.


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Oh, Tess, I'm so sorry. You're right, 49 is way too young. Actually, any age is too young. This disease is just so horrible. I think our friend from this board, Mo Sugar, who passed away recently was only 49, maybe even younger.

Tess, I don't recall whether you said you have children. I was just wondering if you are in this alone. I don't recall you mentioning any other people being around to help you, hug you or hold your hand. Of course, I know that with God, we are never completely alone, but having a shoulder to cry on or someone to just be with there when you needed them would be nice. I know I was so grateful when my siblings all came to town when our dad was dying. It helped me so much. Is there anything I, or we, or anyone reading this can do for you?

Praying for you,


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Oh Tess, I am so sorry to hear how things are going with Rob. I just want to hug you and cry with you. You're right - he is so young, it's just heartbreaking. I'm sitting here wanting to find the right words to help you, but there just aren't any. I just pray for peace, strength and comfort for you both. :cry:

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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Tess, I'm so sorry you're going through this. I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you. I'm scared of dying but I'd rather it be me than a loved one. I will say prayers for you both. Please take care of yourself.


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Dear Tess,

There really are no words that will make this better or easier. Just know that many of us are sharing your sadness and praying for peace and comfort for you and Rob.

I am glad that they can control his pain but it is a shame that in order to do that he is not awake and able to talk to you.

Take care of yourself Tess, it is so easy at this time to neglect ourselves.


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I am at a loss for words. Just know you and Rob are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for peace, for comfort, and for grace at times like this. I can't tell you how much I hate this disease. My Randy passed just four days before his birthday last year. He too was just about to have his 49th birthday. Like Rob, way to young to die.

You and Rob are in my prayers.


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I'm so very sorry. I don't know what else to say and this certainly doesn't seem adequate. Oh, I so agree that 49 is way too young. What a horrible disease this is! I do hope you have support nearby and please remember that we are here anytime that you need us.

Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

Gail P-M

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Tess, I am praying for both you and Rob right now. I am praying that God will allow Rob to remain pain free during this journey and that He will grant you peace and strength. Yes, I certainly agree that 49 is certainly to leave this earth. My Dennis had just celebrated his 50th birthday when he lost his courageous battle against this monster!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you during this terrible time!

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Thank you for all the kind words and prayers. Yes, I have his family, mom and dad live next door, and his brother is 5 min. away. They are great. Rob was blessed with a loving family that cares so much. They treat me like their own daughter. They were so happy when we got married just 3 years ago. This was to be Rob's first and only marriage. They were happy that he finally found happiness. This is my second marriage. I have 3 grown daughters from my first marriage. Although I met Rob 29 years ago, I guess it wasn't meant to be for us to be together until 1998. Rob is such a great guy that even my ex-husband likes him! He had so many people come last week and tell him what a great friend he is to them. He was and is loved by so many because he is such a caring and kind and loving man. I guess God needs him up there...


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Tess -

I am so sorry you have to be going through all this. I am happy that you have supportive family around you at this time as maybe they will make sure you are taking care of yourself as well.

I can't imagine what you must feel... I can only offer my prayers for peace and strength. Love, Sharon

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Dear Tess,

I am so glad that his supportive family will be there for you when the Lord takes Rob's hand and guides him to Heaven. My Brother was just 46 and wanted so badly to make 47 which was only 8 days away for him but the Lord had other plans. Be comforted in knowing he will be in Heaven and with the Lord. I know very well that it does not take away the sadness as mine is still very fresh. It is so hard sometimes to try to comfort someone when you feel so sad yourself. I do know what you are going through as I have also lost a husband of 10 years in a car accident. He was the Father of my 2 sons. Time was the only thing that healed me and my faith. I wish you comfort and strength and lots and lots of Faith.

God Bless You,


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I am so saddened to hear about Rob's condition. I am glad he is out of pain but also hate it that it makes him so sleepy and the two of you can't talk much anymore. Rob sounds like a wonderful man and the two of you are lucky to have found each other. He is way too young to have to go through this, as are many on this board. Try to get some rest yourself . I wish you the comfort of God's love and the feeling of His arms around you. May He give you both peace.


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