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I am so happy to bring you all the good news that NED is still with me.

Funny story...I went in to see my PCP for the results of my tests yesterday. While I was in the exam room my cell rang & it was Dr. Rice telling me that my tests were clean. I asked him where he was & he said in his office & I said I'm waiting for you in exam #5!! Poor guy, we laughed so loud! Sometimes the personnel care physicians get a bit busy up here.

Thanks for all your good thoughts & prayers.

Ry...May I have a hall pass? I leave for Maine Sat to visit my family & be with Dad for his surgery. Will be back Oct 5.

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Rachel -----

what wonderful news--enjoy! And that story is so hysterical --you probably needed a good laugh

enjoy your trip--- you are going from one extreme side of the country to the other

best wishes

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