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Stage IIIa - NSCLC @ 39


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What a great website this is! I have been reading posts for the last months but too chicken to join in. I guess today is the day for me to speak up.....

Since receiving the BIG C diagnosis, I have had my left lung removed, completed radiation and chemo (two weeks ago). All CT scans reflect no cancer lurking so far. With the completion of treatment, I will now start the watch and wait program. Honestly this seems harder than the treatments themself because at least you feel like you are actively treating the disease.

I have always heard people say that something was a "life changing event" - I never thought how much that saying would mean to me until this disease came into my life.

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Gee Wendy, 39 is so young. Congratulations on being clear. It sounds like you socked it to the big C cells in your body and hopefully none will alight anywhere else.

I want to welcome you to this group of family members. I am sorry you had to seek us out but glad you found us. Keep in touch and let us know how you are doing. Again, welcome.


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Welcome to the group. Here you will find anything you want to know. We will laugh with you, cry with you or just listen to you. The one thing you will find here is "first hand" knowledge. I also had a left lung removed. As my surgeon told me, "It isn't easy but you can and will get through it."

Please come back and keep us posted as to how you are doing. :)

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Welcome Wendy!

Your diagnoses is similar to mine (see my signature)

I know what you mean about feeling unsure now that you completed treatment -- it was easier for me when actively fighting as well. What made me feel a little better was starting a nutritional and exercise program -- it made me feel like I was a little more in "control" of things, and actively doing SOMETHING to keep my body strong and healthy.

Welcome again, and feel free to PM me any time!

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Hi Wendy!!

Welcome my friend. It's great to see you here! I would know you anywhere, but then again, maybe not, being you change your look from time to time! :P:P:wink:

You will find a lot of information and support here, as you well know. Being a part of TWO Lung Cancer Support Groups is something most people don't get the opportunity to do, so I think we are pretty lucky to have both places. It was GREAT to see you last night, you looked MARVALOUS!!!! :D

Love & Hugs,


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Welcome Wendy,

Don was right when he said cancer is certainly life changing. I remember when I was first diagnosed I kept telling my mother that I'm going through a life changing experience, that I will never be the old Kathy again and I won't. Those of us with cancer will never take health for granted again. I remember just 6 months ago I took my health for granted, now I'd love to be able to do that :cry:

Live and learn, cancer doesn't always mean the worst but it does mean the loss of innocence.


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Hello, Wendy. We seem to have a lot in common (as Hebbie posted previously, check my signature).

And you're bright, too! YES, the waiting game is far worse than actively DOING SOMETHING...

Sounds like you have a game plan, I wish you luck with the Iressa. Iressa was NOT my friend, but a great diet aid.... :roll:



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THANKS TO ONE AND ALL FOR THE WONDERFUL WELCOME! Sorry it has taken so long to express my thanks to all, I am still trying to get the hang of this.

It is certainly exciting to hear from others that "have been there".

Cheers to LCSC for establishing this site!!


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