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Everything posted by Treebywater

  1. I'll be praying for Peggy today and tonight... I think Mom's visitation was one of the hardest things I've ever done... It was just so overwhelming... person after person without a break to regroup and all of THEIR emotions on top of mine. ((((Peggy)))))
  2. You guys bless my socks off. I'm partial, but I have to agree... She's beautiful. Thank you you for your words. You've all given me so much--any bit of support I can offer here pales in comparison to the love and compassion that I've found at this place.
  3. I hate this stuff. Dana Reeves knows a thing or two about beating the odds.... I pray she kicks the beast's butt!
  4. I agree... I admit to having the selfish thought of, "More awareness?" with Peter Jennings and then again this morning with Dana Reeves (whom I SO admire). (BTW--I hate that thought... These people need my prayers and deserve concern not expectation.) My next thought was--why is it up to these high profile media people...? We/I need to make some noise!
  5. It is SO GOOD to "see" you here. David wasn't the only fighter in your family. YOU are a fighter too. I'm so blessed to know you even in some small way through this board. ((((Karen and Faith)))))
  6. I second that massage tip. Hmmm... can I get one too? Self-medicate with ice cream and have a great big old ((((((HUG))))))). You did a good job, Mom! She might be further away, but she's still your little girl, she still needs you. I promise.
  7. Welcome Bronwen! I know it's hard and overwhelming, but I'm glad you found us. The people here are so loving and comforting and you'll find wonderful friends here. For the first six months of my Mom's fight I was living in Washington while she was in Illinois, so I understand well the limitations of living so far away. If you'd ever like to chat on that vein (or any other) feel free to PM me. Welcome and stick around. I'm praying that Tarceva will be JUST THE THING for your Papa. Val
  8. Ohhh... THAT is a sock in the gut too. So much loss guys... Near to our hearts or just in our living room every nights... It just sucks.
  9. Good Gravy, I MISSED it... Ugh... Anybody know if there is a transcript anywhere? ETA... Nevermind, I found it!
  10. twiddling my thumbs here on the west coast waiting for news time. I Can't wait to see it, Lisa!
  11. Treebywater

    Mum has died

    Jana and Karen... I feel like we have journeyed much of these last few months on parallel roads... I ache with you and for you. I'm so very sorry.
  12. 1) All of you. 2) Carolyn 3) Andy 4) God's grace even when we just plain ache with loss 5) All of you.
  13. Oh Peggy, I'm so sorry... I just ache for you. I don't know what else to say. Know how very loved you are.
  14. Treebywater

    Hugs for All

    (((((Kasey)))) Thank you for being wonderful, wonderful you.
  15. Brat-- You are so very, very much loved. I'm here fighting with you and praying for you.
  16. Treebywater


    Oh Good, TAnn!!!
  17. JUST PLAIN AWESOME!!!! I'm sorry your hubby had such a rough time, but I am just so glad that you heard the especially magic word.
  18. Oh Peggy... I'm so sorry you guys are going through this. I'll be holding you all in prayer.
  19. LOVED IT.... Thank you, sweet Kasey!
  20. You're my hero, Cindi'oh!
  21. Oh Peggy... I just HATE reading this... Praying, praying, praying for you. I hope you get things figured out and there is improvement so very soon. (((((Peggy)))))
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