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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I too am so sorry to hear your news. I pray that your husband will have comfort, and your son will have some special time with him, and for your peace. Donna G
  2. Recently at thoracic Onocology meetings they have been spreading the word until they come up with a better screening than just Path reports, they are recommending even Stage I to have chemo after surgery. The reason being micrometastasis. Up to 40 % have reaccurance of lung cancer within a year, With chemo they are hoping to better these number giving better survival also. Donna G
  3. Donna G

    2 cancers

    Iressa does cause diarhea. Immodium will help keep the diarhea under control. Like the others , I never heard of taking it every other day as a good solution. Donna G
  4. Prayers going up that things turn around quickly and he is able to go home and get back to treatment. Donna G
  5. Ned is GREAT NEWS . I believe I was a Stage III A , now I am NED . I am over 6 yrs now but am still having CT.s, last one they saw "nodules" so I will have another CT in August to see what if anything they have done ( hopefully gone away). Things die down but anyone who has had lung cancer is at higher risk that others for getting it again so periotic checks are in order. Donna G.
  6. Welcome and I pray that your Mom survives this , another 34 years would be nice. Please keep us posted now on how she is doing.Donna G
  7. Beth , I am so sorry for you and your family. Sincerely, Donna G
  8. Be sure your Dad does range of motion exercises on that side. My skin stuck to the muscle then I had to go and have it released because I couldn't turn, it wouldn't slide and let me. ROM are raising arm up, out to side, forward etc. Sounds like he is doing great. Those dogs sure do help us out a lot. Donna G
  9. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and many more. Donna G
  10. Great news Sandy, I love it. Donna G
  11. The only good news here is that knowing what you are dealing with . Glad you have a wise doctor that went all the way investigating your problem for now you will get the best treatment for that "infection" and prayfully you will be on your way to recovery again. Donna G
  12. I opened the article and what all seem to be asking re side effects is Possible Side Effects Patients often experience little or no side effects from radiation therapy and are able to continue normal routines. Side effects are temporary and usually limited to the area that received radiation. Possible problems include skin irritation, difficulty or pain when swallowing, shortness of breath, and fatigue. Talk to your doctor about any discomfort you feel. He or she may be able to provide drugs and other treatments to help. Donna G
  13. Donna G

    need some prayers

    Prayers going up that the rough days pass quickly and then ROULEZ LE BONNE TEMPS - let the good times roll. Donna G
  14. Authority figure? Remember the surgeon is working for you, you are the boss. Donna G
  15. If they use it in traditional Chinese medicine, wonder if any one did a study to see if it actually works. Most medicine years ago was herbs , plants etc. as digitalis for the heart etc. Donna G
  16. This is possible. Especiallly with older people . It is a narcotic going into her through the skin. Is she getting pain relief? What dose is she getting, it comes in different doses. If it is really bad perhaps a smaller dose if it still keeps her comfortable would give her less confusion Donna G
  17. Donna G

    Busy Morning

    Would you believe I just counted how many people here have posted in the 3 digits (100-999)------68-----------and how many have posted over 1000 posts------------14---------That would mean some of us really post a lot. Donna G
  18. I am so sorry Tammy. Very Sad news. Donna G
  19. Donna G

    Our Anniversary

    Happy Anniversary. and it must be a relief to have all final with your little darling girl. Donna G
  20. Connie, I have met Dr Cure and Dr Hope. Aren't those great names for doctors! Thanks for the updates. Prayers continue. Donna G
  21. Donna G

    July 5 2004

    CONGRATS TO RAY! Enjoy and be happy. Donna G
  22. Guess you need to take notes or buy a tape recorder. I don't "remember " having a problem with memory but I sure came out with the wrong word all the time. " right drawer , wrong file" I call it . I do believe things will get better for you. A pad of paper could be a great help. Donna G
  23. prayers going up for Cheryl. Donna G
  24. Hi Valerie. Welcome. now that you have come out of the shadows, please keep us posted on how you are doing. Donna G
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