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Everything posted by cathy

  1. Great idea Connie...
  2. cathy

    Iressa IS working!

    Really good news Amy!
  3. Mark, I am so sorry for the loss of your dear mom, sounds like she was a beautiful person..I know about those fake smiles too, thats a trait of a completely unselfish person (my dad always had fake smiles for me as well)..Your new wife also sounds like a special young lady..They say if a man treats his mom well he will treat his wife good too, so your new wife is very lucky to have you..
  4. cathy


    Wonderful news Ray..I'm so so happy for you and your family..
  5. cathy


    I am so sorry Kelly. It sounds as though you have a beautiful family and together you will find some peace and begin to heal...
  6. cathy


    Oh Rosanne, I'm sorry, my mom and dads was last Sunday, not a good day for her either..Shirley said it perfect, it will always be your special day.....
  7. cathy

    I'm Back (Kinda)

    Nancy, Bet you're glad to be back home..I wsh you were feeling better though..Hopefully they can get things under control for you and you will start to heal...
  8. Hi Amy, Welcome to a place where nobody wants to be. I was wondering about other treatments for your mom too..Has her doctor given her any options?
  9. I am sitting here shaking my head in disbelief..I remember reading someones post a while back, that they were entering a clinical trial and there was a chance they would receive a placebo, I thought back then that I was just not understanding the post right because giving a placebo to a cancer patient would be inhumane, but it looks like I did understand it correctly, thats just crazy.. Thanks Cary for the information, I like the picture too...
  10. cathy

    My Big Brother

    Cheri, I am so sorry for the loss of your brother..Iknow how special brothers are..Will say a prayer for your family for strength to get through this awful time...
  11. cathy

    Brain MRI Results

    So happy for you Debi...
  12. cathy


    What a beautiful lady..
  13. Diane, I dont have too much to add just that I know about those bittersweet moments, they are so hard to get through. Its strange how life goes on when our loved ones are so sick..Sending my prayers to you and your dad for some better days ahead..
  14. Dear Shelly I am soo sorry. Your dad and mom are together now, no more pain and no more suffering, although I know your pain and suffering will continue, I will be praying that God gives you the strength to get through this, and there will be peace for you...XO Cathy
  15. cathy

    11 years ago

    You are indeed an inspiration.. Very heartwarming story, Gail..Enjoy the graduation
  16. cathy

    Some News on Mo

    Still missing you MO.. Thanks Ry
  17. (((((Shelly)))))) I am soo sorry, you know I'm here...
  18. cathy

    New Grandson!

    Congratulations Becky and Cookieman!! Love those babies, would love one in my family right now...
  19. Janet, When my dad was first diagnosed all he wanted around was his children and my mom..I think you need to let them digest all of this and do as he wishes..Let him know that you want to help and you will do whatever he wants..I would talk to him personally as long as he wants to talk..Emotions are so high and mixed up right now he probably doesnt know what he wants...Wait a few days and then see how he feels..You really dont want him to be upset over family matters right now.. On the siblings point of view..I know how helpless you feel, my brother was in a bad accident a few years back, was in a coma and didnt know if he was going to live or die for many months..I wanted to be around him all the time because we were very close, so I know how your heart is hurting for him right now, however you have to step aside just for a while but stay in touch to see how everything is going....He will let you know when he is ready for your visit..
  20. Thank you Shirley, That was really good advice, because I notice that my mom always wants to talk about my dad and I on the other hand avoid the subject, when I talk about him with people that really knew him it makes this whole thing all too real.. Never thought about it from the spouses perspective, thank you for sharing, I know how hard it is to reach out to those in need when we ourselves are searching for some answers, so tomorrow will be for my mom to talk about whatever brings her comfort..God Bless You Shirley
  21. Kris, This is way to strange..I think my mom is going to be an emotional wreck..All she wants to do is be around her family, so I think there will be some comfort for her if we are around..I think I will just have everyone over my house for a barbeque, not sure yet though..My moms birthday is the next day so I"ll have to plan something for that as well...Now, if you tell me that your moms birthday is monday too this will really start me wondering... I am just hoping Sunday wont be as hard on her as I am thinking it might be..Praying for the same for you and your family, let me know how your day goes. I will be thinking of you...
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