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Dean & Gay~ an update 9/6


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I spoke with both Dean and Gay tonight. Dean has a bowel impaction. He has decided not to have the impaction cleared, which means he does not have much longer. He told me that he has had enough, but he is OK and to tell you all he will be OK.

Gay had to fire their home aide so she has no help. She is doing it all.

This is very hard and heartbreaking. My heart breaks for what they both are going through.

She also asked that those of you that may have called or wish to call -- call in the late afternoon or evening.

Just a side note:

When I post for Dean and or Gay I am always very careful to post only what they ask me to post (those that read a recently deleted post will understand what I am saying). I take careful notes and try not to violate their privacy. I wish you peace soon Dean.

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My heart is breaking and yet almost soaring as I bid Dean on to a higher plane of pain free and joyous days.

If Dean says he will be all right, then I do have to believe him. I am a better person because of the courage of Dean and Gay. And all of us here.

God love ya, Dean and Gay!

Cindi o'h

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Thanks Ry for the post about Dean and Gay. As usual you have given them their dignity and privacy. That is what we should all expect from each other. I, for one, appreciate it.

Dean and Gay. My heart breaks for both of you as this journey takes its finaly course. I keep you both in my prayers. Peace and comfort to you.


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Dean & Gay,

I pray for peace for both of you to come soon. This has to be so hard on you both. My heart goes out to you both.

I want you both to know that I have a candle lit. But it is also for you Gay for strength. What would Dean do without you? I am so sorry Hospice did not work out for you. You are his rock right now and I know in my heart that he will be at peace very soon.

I wish I could say something to comfort you both, but know that I am thinking of you and sending good vibes your way.


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Dean and Gay,

Have been thinking of you both throughout the night. I have an inner confidence that you are being cradled in the arms of someone very powerful and great. I pray for an abonishment of pain for you, Dean and for peace and serenity. Calm. Peace. Serenity. Beauty. Power. Unity. And Love.

Cindi o'h

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