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Last Week's MRI of my brain and neck

Fay A.

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I had to have another MRI, and the Meningioma appears to be the same as it was in July....but the report states that there is now a tumor in the apex of my right lung...

This is most upsetting because I do not have a right lung. So I'm left to wonder if I have a tumor in the apex of what would be my right lung if I had one, or if it is a mass on the left lung and the reader just can't tell her left from her right.

My Onc is trying to find out what is what, but she couldn't get through to anyone while I was in her office this morning.

a PCC line goes in next week, chemo starts the one after that: Taxol and Gemcitabene.

I'll be bald by New Years...so New Year's Eve my head is being decked out to look like a Martini Olive with Pimento. Onward!

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Oh Good Lord! What the?????? :shock: Maybe they need to hand the reader his glasses??? :roll:

I sure hope THIS gets top notch attention!

After Onward, usually comes Upward, and I'm thinking we don't want to go there just yet either! :roll::wink: So, get in, sit down, buckle up for the ride, ONCE AGAIN!! :roll::x:wink:


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Oh geez, what else????????

I think the test was read by the same twit that was rude to Brian because he needed additional appointments to deal w/ his non`existant nutraphils.

She kept making sighing and clucking noises while she pecked at her keyboard. She commented that Brian should know that Wed. is right before a holiday and that they are booked solid.

Fer Cryen outloud...................does she think we're freakin' thrilled?

How do some folks keep their jobs????

Fay, you've dealt w/ more than your fair share of twits.

Here's to clear answers and a good plan.



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You would think with the cost of scans, not to mention the cost added for reading them that we would get detailed and highly accurate results. I get so upset when I see this kind of thing happen over and over again.. We wait for the information , only to get an inconclusive or an erroneous report. Hope they get to the bottom of it soon. Who knows, like Jackie says, are you sure it's your report? Okay, I guess I vented a little on that one, but it's so upsetting to me. Keeping you in my prayers Fay and hoping you get a good explanation soon.



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Sales of Martini's will sky-rocket this New Years and only WE will know why! 8) You'll be a walking, talking subliminal message.

Hope they find out what they really saw and tell you soon. If the chef burns your steak, you get to send it back and they even give you a free desert. But, I guess screwing up you CT scan reading is okay. Jeesh!

Hope Thanksgiving Holiday offers some moments of tastiness, laughter, and warm looks shared with loved ones.


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It again appears that you have found a nut in the radiation dept. If they are incompetent they seem to find your charts. I am sorry you are going to have to go through all of this again. We need a pic of the olive head and one of Don without his hat. Then put them side by side and see what gives. My guess is cute twins.


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Fay, do you ever get the feeling that these things just find their way to you? I think these people know how intelligent you are and do these little things as a test...just to see if you're on your toes! Hope you get some straight answers and when you do, please share them with us. Also, praying that the treatment goes well for you!

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Truly, Fay, they are supposed to have left and right markers on x-rays, but seems that even I could tell the difference since your heart is in your chest, and we know where that belongs. Sheesh.

The image of your olive is just too much. You must post a picture!!

You hang in there now, ya hear? You're one of the new blessings in my life that I'm thankful for this year, and I want life to be better and better for you.


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God knows if anyone is ready for another fight it is you!!! Goooooooooooooooooooooooo Fayyyyyyyyyyy!

Seriously, you will be in my prayers as always! The real test will be if I deliver this baby before you are bald..........I could be a VERY large olive. I mean a VERY large olive.

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This is getting old already. They better get their sh-t together. Enough is enough. They must think you are SuperWomen. Even though I must say you are.

You are one tough cookie. You give them hell... they can't mess with you!!

Maybe the had the xrays backwards. :roll:

Let us know what the result really are.


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