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Something for Kasey...and everyone else that loves dogs


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If I didn't have dogs:

1. I could safely walk around my yard barefoot.

2. The floor in my house could be carpeted instead of tiled and laminated.

3. All flat surfaces, clothing, furniture, and cars would be free of dog hair.

4. When the doorbell rings, it wouldn't sound like the kennels.

5. When the doorbell rings, I could get to the door without wading through dog bodies who beat me there.

6. I could sit on the couch comfortably, without taking into consideration how much space the fur babies need to get comfortable.

7. I would not have strange presents under my Christmas tree - dog bones, stuffed animals - nor would I have to explain why I wrap them.

8. I would not be on a first-name basis with three veterinarians.

9. The most used words in my vocabulary would not be: "out," "sit," "down," "come," "no," "stay," and "leave him/her/it ALONE."

10. My house would not be cordoned off into zones with baby gates or barriers.

11. I would not find dog cookies in the bottom of my purse. Especially when *I* didn't put them there.

12. I would no longer have to spell the words B-A-L-L, F-R-I-S-B-E-E, R-I-D-E, C-O-O-K-I-E, or W-A-L-K.

13. I would not have as many leaves INSIDE my house as outside.

14. I would not look strangely at people who think having ONE dog ties them down too much.

15. I'd look forward to spring and the melting of snow instead of dreading "mud season."

16. How empty and boring my life would be.

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I could sleep and roll over whenever I want without having to be careful that I'll wake the dogs up or disturb their beauty sleep.

I'd spend money on facials and massages for myself instead of grooming, revolution, chew toys.

I'd know the names of the people at the dog park instead of their dogs.

I wouldn't be suspicious of people who don't own dogs.

I wouldn't have a sandbox in my backyard for my terrier instead of a perennial garden.

I'd be so lost if I didn't see their happy little faces when I get home from work.

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I wake up every morning with a backache because my pug "Corky" sleeps basically under me, and my poodle "Lucy" is always above my head on the pillows. Don't know where I would be without my dogs, my kids have always said that the dogs eat and get treated better than them. One friend told me once that when they died they hoped to be reincarnated as one of "Kim's" dogs. No, they are not spoiled a bit...as i go to get Lucy from the groomer's right now, as she needed pretty new christmas bows to match her new christmas outfit. I can not imagine life without them.

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If I never had a dog I would have missed all the love , companionship , fun and walks with

Baron (mixed rat terrrier) -73'

Kenoe ( Siberian Husky) -83'

Rusty ( Airedale) -93'

Mitch ( tri-colored collie)-03'

Rocky (3 1/2 years old) Border Collie/Aussie

Sally (2 1/2 years old) Border Collie mix (With ?)

Although I am thinking my next may be a poodle, they don't shed.

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We had to put down our beloved golden retriever/yellow lab mix over 2 years ago, and I still miss him, especially the crumb cleanup patrol he would do (and with two little girls, you can imagine the feasts he he could have now) and I miss watching the string of drool grow ever longer when he would stare us down while we ate pizza!

I would miss my footwarmer on the bed, and the eternally warm welcome home every day.

Can't say I miss the dog hair, though.


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Boy, can all of us dog-lovers relate to this! Right before I read this, I had just put Estee the Terrible in doggie time-out (which lasted as long as she decided it should - exactly 5 seconds!) for bullying her adopted Aussie sister Sadie who outweighs her by 20 lbs, but you would never know it.

With our firstborn, Dumbo, Jim would quietly sneak hot dogs onto the floor underneath the kitchen cabinets so Dumbo would come in and do food patrol on the kitchen floor. He thought Dumbo's technique kept the floor cleaner than I did. :?

I don't know where I would be if I hadn't had these 2 dogs (Jim's 50th birthday present - rescue dogs)

making me get out of bed the past 8 months. Guess I'll go get them another treat now.

Thanks Ann!

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Oh Kasey, I sure wish we lived closer. You and Fred could leash up my two with your Teddy and mine would even help pull you along. I could wait back at the house and give you all treats when you finished!

I agree that your walks with Teddy and DH have probably helped your body and mind more than any other treatment around. We'll talk again and figure out if I have to move to the frigid North or if you should move down to the sweltering South. Guess we could let Teddy, Estee, and Sadie vote. Oops, gotta go, it's time for another treat......

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Can't say I miss the dog hair, though.



I put my beloved dog down two years ago next week. I pulled out the tree skirt and it had black hair on it (new dog is brown) and I have to admit, I miss the dog hair.

As for adding to the list that started all this, how about:

"Wouldn't think odd of someone who didn't want my sweet dog's face around them when I think she's so kissable and sweet..."

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My little Prissy (you can see her at the survivors page) is almost 12. I adore her and she feels the same way about me and her DADA. She is groomed almost every week because it takes forever to dry her hair without the big drying cage. She weighs 8 lbs and gives about 50lbs of love back each time you pet her.

She sleeps with us, sits with us and even brings her food into the den to eat with us. She rules the house. And yes, I would miss the dog hair as well.


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I have two dachshunds Molly and Harley. i am such a sucker for animals that need a good home and love. I have always wanted a golden retriever, so about 4 months ago, I added Tanner to my clan. He's now almost 7 months old and is so full of himself. I haven't had a need for baby gates in my house for almost 25 years now but I have two of them just so Tanner won't eat the Christmas tree. They all bring such love and joy! Molly and Harley are two years old and pretty calm but Tanner is truly a terror. I'm sure the poor baby thinks he has a full name of "No Tanner."

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The saying

Love me--Love my dog!

I have ALWAYS had animals.

Growing up there was Toffee, a pom., he died at about 16, I was 18.

Later came cats, Pooh, Christopher Robin, then Bootsie-she lived 15 yrs, then had to be put down.

Then 6 more cts-Bobbie and Brandy, Romeo and Juliet, Homie and Keta. All have died now except Juliet and Keta got upity when we moved and decided she wanted a house where there were not so many cats! She is still living but with neighbors about 4 houses away.

We got a Lab mix Cassie when she was 1 yr. and she got cancer at age 12 and had surgery but did not make it out. That was in 2003. In 2000 we got Roxy the PUG!! I was diag. in Feb 2001 and she became my sidekick since then. Where I am she is. If I go to N. Car. she flys in the plane with me. If I go to Salt Lake City (sis) she again flies in the plane at my feet.

Roxy is 5 yrs old now and we have her 3 pups. I am selling them-SO HARD!!

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Went to a dog breeder once to see a

minature black poodle and walked out

with the sister just snuggled in my

opened purse, bought that one instead.

Won't put the names of all the dogs we

had as I got my first one at two years old

and my last at seventy one and never

could have only one dog at the time

always a few.

Miss them a lot.


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I love your dog too.

And I love your dogs becuase they are your dogs and not mine.

I am friendly to dogs. Esp. those dogs with good doggy parents.......

But I find that

doggies lick me in places I don't want to be licked....

AND sniff me in places I don;t want to be sniffed.

And that is how I feel about doggies.

OOOOOO yeah, and a doggie recently ate a big ol'hole in my new cashmere sweater.....but all was forgiven because the host is such a sweet sweet friend and so kind and generous....she cooked me a great meal and treats me with such love and kindness. Her dog is an ill-mannered brute. But she is forgiven too.

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I couldn't imagine my life without a dog. I have two right now, one thing left out of the list above:

Stealing the gum out of my purse if I leave it on the floor :shock:

The little one in the picture was by my side all through my cancer treatment. She won't even go outside to potty for anyone but me which can create problems :oops:

I guess it's her way of making sure she gets to go with me most of the time


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ohhhh I am a sucker for dogs and cats.. I've met the nicest ones in my lifetime....!!! So lucky.

And I've had some nice ones too. Lucky again.

But, I am asthma allergic to the dang sweethearts, which ends up probably being a good thing or I would be one of those crazed people who get busted for a hundred animals living inside her house and end up on the 6 o'clock news... yes. good thing I am allergic.

Love all your pets!

ps... Luna is a big girl..she has a new web-site if I can find the address, I will post it. She is so pretty!

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