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Furnace/Air Filter

cindi o'h

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For several days in a row, I have been breathing so much better than I have in years.

I have a feeling that it is incidental with the maintenance man changing my furnace/air filter last week.

I have been trying to "figure" this out and that is the only change that I can think of. The filter was supposed to be changed last Fall. I am glad that he finally got around to it!

I have been so very sick for so long and now I feel like I am going to live! Can you believe that something like this could make such a difference?

Mental note...check furnace/air filter often.

Cindi o'h

p.s.. the pulm rehab therapist said that those ionic air filters offer nothing to us who suffer from lung disease. She said that they remove only large particles from the air and that large particles are removed by nose hairs etc. long before they get to the lungs.

She said charcoal filtration is offers the best kind of home air purification as they remove micro thingys.

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Thanks and keep an eye on those filters. I do the inside ones every month with the high powered filters from big box home improvement stores.

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So glad you are breathing easier gal.

Yup, gotta watch the furnace/air filter thing: our home has 4 electronic filters that I now clean once a month (no later than every 2 months). Despite that (mind you dad used to wait 3+ months for cleaning at least :? ), in the past, my whole family was having chronic sinus/breathing difficulties until we had our duct work cleaned and treated -- I would have to dig out the specifics on that if you needed it, but they clean out the duct work and treat it for fungus things and such. After we had that done, everyone in the family suddenly cleared from that chronic yuckiness. And you should have seen the gunk they blew out of our ductwork!!!!! :shock: I don't think it had ever been done since the house was built!


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A HUGE difference! I don't use a purifier - my pulmo told me the same thing stated above. I DO change my AC/furnace filter each month. I use the top rated 3M filter (about $14 but WELL worth it.) It says it's rated for 3- 5 months, but I change it monthly, or sooner, if needed. It really makes a difference!

Glad you are still breathing well, Cindi! Just a filter...Who woulda thunk, huh?

Best to you, buddy!


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Another day and I am operating pretty good. I cannot tell you how sick I have been!!! On the couch sick, hardly able to move sick. I am not kidding. Now I can walk the distance of this apartment without keeling over.

I walked all the way to the parking garage (slowly but I did) without my walker. That is a first. I am going to get some of those filters and change them myself.

Although this complex has a hundred units, each unit has it's own furnace and air conditioner. Now if I can get the building to clean the duct work in here, I will really be set. I wonder what was growing in my lungs???? fungus? dust mites? (I have allergies and asthma too)


All of ya'll check it, please. It might just be something so simple. I never would have dreamed that this could make such a huge difference to my daily living.

Cindi o'h

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Cindi, if you are concerned about the ductwork thing (fungus and other really-tiny sized yuckies), and in your circumstance you can't do anything about it, please check into what Don M said about a HEPA filter unit -- those filters do marvelous things for nasties....we are talking potential nuclear warfare protection here with those honeys.....could help you bunches more in an apartment setting if you find yourself needing more air purification in the future.



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Way to go girl.... sooooooooooooooo glad for that good news!!

We havn't change our filter all winter, may that is why Joel's SOB is increasing.

Will get onto that ASAP.

Thanks Cindi,

Maryanne :wink:

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Dear Cindi,

I am so happy to read this!! Very glad that you are feeling so good. I'm aware of negative info re those ionizer air filters but it's been a while since I've looked at the information. Apparently however, from what I remember, they are not only ineffective when used by those with lung impairments/breathing difficulties, they can also CAUSE breathing problems.

Much Love,


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