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Today was my big day - just checked my watch and I'll amend that to yesterday - and I passed all the tests with flying colors.


I'm still empty headed (MRI clear), still two very small spots on my left lung but no change in them (too small to identify what they are) as I've had these all along no one is concerned about them at this point. CT showed that all the fuss with my pericarial effusion and right lung fluid is now a thing of the past.

So, I'm home free for another year.....this Saturday I turn 60, isn't that amazing! Most people, apparently, were surprised that I reached 55 (I was 54 at dx) and here I am turning 60 and no one is more surprised than me - not because I lived to be 60 but because I'm actually that old!!!!!!!!!! I'm still waiting to feel like a grown up.

My family is giving me a birthday "un-party" dinner (I didn't want a party)this weekend and they can do it again for my 70th!!

My life is good.


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WAY TO GO, GERI!!! I am so very happy to read this news! I know how happy and relieved you and your family must be at this wonderful news!!! Yes...I have to join you in a great big YAHOO!!!

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Well, well, well, you old FA#% you :lol: ! I'm not quite sure how your family can top this news as a b-day gift, do you? I am so very excited that this is such a SPECTACULAR week for you. My heart is even smiling this morning! Congrats on the news. What is your beverage of choice this time for celebrating? Whatever it is, I'll be having one (or more) with you!



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Kasey I shall be drinking scotch and 7up and some nice white wine (the hell with the headache!) at my un-party, which is actually dinner for 14 catered by my daughter and son-in-law (with a little help from his and her Moms).

Karen wanted to have a real party but that's not my scene at all so we compromised on the un-party with a few friends. Her in-laws are coming from NJ too so the house will be full this weekend which I love.

That's my gift really, a quiet get together in front of the fire with people who mean something to me.

I'm so very blessed, a house full of people and good test results....what more could I ask for.


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