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He's dancing on the stars in heavan....


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Just hours after posting my last notice, my dad passed away. It was strange. My fiance, my mom, and I were in the room. We were surfing the web and my mom was dozing in a chair next to my dad.

Right before midnight, I decided to go to bed. I got up and held his hand and told him I loved him. I told him I was going to be in the next room and that mom would stay with him. I also (again) told him it was okay to go even if I wasn't right at his side. I asked my mom (outloud) if she had told him it was okay to go and she said she had.

He was still breathing slowly and it was now a few minutes to midnight (it happens to be his grandson's 7th birthday today...and we really didn't want the two to happen on the same day...but oh well). I was still holding his hand, but his pulse was weakening. I looked at him and he was still breathing, but things seemed to be changing. I moved to the other side of the bed and could only find a weak pulse on that hand. His feet were still very warm and his fingertips just started to get cold (he had a fever of over 103 degrees for the last 2 days in hospice). I put my hand on his chest and gently touched his forehead. I couldn't feel a heartbeat through his chest. He took one more breath...quiet, like a gentle sigh...and he was gone.

It was beautiful and terrifying all at the same time. But, I know he is in a better place now looking down and helping all the rest of the lung cancer patients fight and WIN their battles! Please pray for my family as we face the funeral this Saturday...and as I face planning my upcoming wedding without my father. And please...continue to fight until we have a cure..because I know that is what he would want the most!

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I am so very sorry for your loss of your father. Teresa I am sure that he will be smiling down on you from Heaven on your wedding day. ((((((((((((((((((((((Prayers)))))))))))))))))))))))


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Most heartfelt Condolences and Sincere prayers for peace and Comfort during this trying time. Remember that if you need a shoulder or a little support we are always here for you whenever you need us. This is a difficult turn in the road of life.

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Oh Theresa I am so sorry for the passing of you dad. Yes, he is now in a better place, pain free and full of peace.

I am so glad you were with him when it took his last breath. That was bittersweet for you.

My deepest of condolences goes out to you and your mom and the rest of your family.

We are here for you whenever you need us.

Maryanne :wink:

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