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My dad has passed


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My loving dad passed away on November 1, 2003 due to respiratory arrest. I think that his death could have been avoided if his onc. would have been any kind of a doctor. On Wednesday he went to see his onc. because he was really weak and his chest hurt bad. He was also running a temp. His onc. did a chest x-ray, did not order the results stat so it was going to take a day to read the x-ray. He told my dad that he could treat him at home with antibiotics. I met my mom to help get my dad into the house when that got home from the onc., I never cried in front of my dad but that day I did. He told me that everything was going to be alright . At 2:00 am he stopped breathing. My mother did cpr on him until the paramedics arrived. He held on and fought for 3 days and at 10:30 pm Saturday he died while I was holding his hand.

Now my whole world is turned upside down. My dad and I have worked together for over 12 years, I don't know what I am going to do without him. I have never hurt like this before. The onc. should have put him in the hospital on Wednesday when he saw what condition my dad was in. I am already missing him so much. When you are together with your family it gets better but when they all leave you get a lonely feeling. I will post more later.


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