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My dad has scans on Tues...


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Out of supersticion and routine, I just needed to post that my dad is having scans on Tuesday :):)

I want to apologize to everyone for not posting as often lately. I also feel some guilt if I respond to one post and not another. I am reading all the time and following up with everyone.

I guess I have been busy/overwhelmed (in a good way :) ) with the twins (now 6 months!) and there are probably some mental demons involved ;) I promise to try and be more active in 2008.

Love to all!

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Praying that your dad has good scans. I certainly understand your not getting to post as much as you would like, it is amazing that you get to the computer at all with twin babies. Enjoy them!


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I understand fully Andrea about being busy, and about not wanting to post to just one thread. Its hard to get by that sometimes, when you don't have much time and don't want to potentially hurt feelings by just posting to one person (like you're making me do now :wink: ).

Anyway, I couldn't let this post go by of course, without wishing your dad lots of luck on Tuesday. I'll be looking for a follow up post that all is well!

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