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I need a giant whine.......Scroll down for update 1/11


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and an even bigger prop-up while I wait for CT comparisions.

Things here have been the pits lately, SOB not really going away and have another new dr in the mix (don't think I like her) and now I have to wait until tomorrow to have today's chest CT compared to the last one I had taken at Dartmouth.

This new dr has the personality of a pickle really, straight to the point you know. She very matter of factly tells me that she doesn't know if the nodules that are in my right (good) lung are new but if so then a biopsy would be in order! She had no idea that I knew about them or that they have been monitored for a few years. She didn't think that maybe I have enough to worry about right now without some what-if's as well.

This piece of info she could have kept to herself for another 24 hours until she had last years CT in her hand, but no she just kept on saying that she had no frame of reference as she hasn't seen the old CT yet.

I have to call tomorrow after 3pm to find out what she has discovered with this new frame of reference!

Thank goodness I'm due for my yearly check with my lung onc, he'll sort it all out with an answer that I know I can trust.

Will also find out tomorrow if my radiation will start next week, went on Monday and was so weak and SOB that it's been delayed until my lung isn't so compromised.........Murphy's law is certainly front and center in our house right now - guess I should stop whining about what the hell can go wrong next!!!! :wink::wink:

Got me some real good cough suppressant today so by hook or by bloody crook I'm gonna sleep tonight - and maybe even part of tomorrow :lol::lol:

Thanks for listening folks, haven't been posting too much lately as I use up all my energy climbing the stairs to get to the computer, nothing too much left to type with but have been reading most days (or nights).

I'll let you know what the outcome of all this is tomorrow, now I'm off to my cough syrup and bed!!!


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Well for cryin' out loud, Geri! I sure hope you didn't use up energy with all the hand-wringing you've been doing for me! Geez, I am sorry to hear this......you know I am. I'm not sure I even knew about the nodules in the lung, but no matter, your new doc will get it all figured out :shock: WHEN she has time to compare CT's :? !

Okay, now my turn for hand-wringing. Do you get SOB talking on the phone? If you can, maybe we could catch up a little bit over the weekend. Glad to know that we are in each other's corner. Just wish the corners weren't so sharp!

Keep on plugging, Geri. What's our choice?


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If you can't whine among friends then who can you whine to? Wish I could say something that would make it all go away,I can't , but I can say prayers. I promise you I will do that. As for the doctor thinking out loud to you without having all the facts in front of her, I am so sorry it happened. There are folks in all walks of life who just lack common sense and sensitivity. Hang in there friend and know that we are here for you.



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Sorry to hear your new doc is not high on the personality meter. About your SOB and cough-- John found out by accident when he took some of my darvocet for pain that it helped him breath (don't ask me why) so our doctor gave him a prescription for darvon (I think that has no pain med in it) which helped. He also went to codeine pills for the cough rather than the syrup.

Good luck Geri-


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Geri - hope that 3 p.m. comes quickly and the she can put your mind at ease regarding the nodules. I'm not quite why she would have even said anything if she couldn't compare them to the previous films right away.

I am sorry about the SOB and I hope that gets resolved right quick too. Enough already ... with all the crap you have been through it's time for some good news for a change.

Hope your cough medicine helped you get some needed zzz's. Praying for answers and resolutions soon.


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Sorry for your recent troubles. That breast cancer treatment can get pretty rugged too. I hate when drs get so non-chalant (sp?) about things like NODULES!

What the heck do they think we are anyway? This is our life they are just chatting about when they say stupid things that we will spend hours and days worrying about until the verdict is in.

I hope you're feeling better soon and get the reassurance from the doc that everything is ok with the lung.


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Geezz...Geri...sorry you are feeling so down...prayer's that you will feel better real real soon after you get the real facts...Icould tell you right now ..I do not like Dr Pickle...and if she can't satisfy you...Tell her to get lost and find another doctor that you like....I hate these kind of doctors..."Don't be so matter of fact with my life"..


God Bless Geri...sending lots of prayers


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Thanks everyone, it seems that lately I only come here to be propped up and you all do it so wonderfully well.

I called my dr Pickle (shall continue to call her that) at 3pm and they had NOT received the CT!!! I called my onc in NH and yep it went last night....they do the tracking thing and it was signed for in Boston at 10:26am by this person in the mail room. AAAGH, what can Mr Murphy deal out next!

To cut to the point, they found it and read it and the nodules are old (see, I told you she should have kept her mouth shut). No fluid around my heart but the fluid in and around my lungs is new - DUH, I had no syptoms a year ago and my lung onc always shared the details of any tests :P:P with me.

Upshot is they're going to tap my left lung next Wed to see what they're dealing with -OUCH - and we go from there. My radiation is on the back burner it appears, none planned at this point it's all wait and see.

I took my super duper cough syrup last night and it did stop my cough and put me out for the count.........the count of 30, then I woke about every 30 minutes from a vivid dream that was borderline nightmare. At 1:30 I was up and bouncing off the walls (literally) so spent the night catching up on the sofa.........but I didn't cough!

Guess what, I'm not taking it tonight. I've not coughed to speak of since last evening but I have felt somewhat zombie like and very nauseaous.....enough already!

The cough it appears was from the Lisinopril, dr Pickle asked me to get it changed and I did (take direction well at times!) I tell ya, this breast cancer is not going to get me but the bloody cure might well take me out :lol::lol:

For the first time in my life, and I've been sick many many times, I feel like an invalid. I'm walking down the hall so slowly, Richard announces my arrival with "she's coming I can hear her breathing"!!! The are a few things I've found I don't like about this house we've bought (they'll be changed) but the one thing that's been a Godsend is that our bedroom is on the ground floor (unusual for a NE house).

So, for now it's lets see what the fluid is made of and when can we start the radiation. As we go through the 11th month of this blasted saga I'm tired like never before, the chemo has screwed up the lining of my mouth because of all the sores - now everything tastes like sawdust, add dry mouth and fluid restrictions into the mix and you have a glimpse of my life.

Okay enough, you don't need to hear the litany of woes from me, everyone here has their own laundry list of ailments so we'll just leave it that there's nowhere to go but up :wink:

Now I think it's time to get some sleep, my pillows are very artfully arranged on the sofa - lying in bed just made the breathing ragged - and I have a cat that's waiting for me to settle so that he can decide where to sleep for the night.

Thanks again for all the good wishes, it's so reasuring to know that there's such a constant source of good in my life.

good night


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Geri, my friend, I'm back to hand-wringing in a BIG way! And as for Richard and his 'announcements' on you arrivals.....I may just have to literally kick his Englich butt :evil: !

I hear good news in your report.....but fluid on the lungs ~ not so good. Any possibility you could have pneumonia? Would Dr. Pickle have caught that in any of the tests? Man, I hope that's what it may be.

In the meantime, I do hope you get to sleep a bit. Ya know I often awake every 30 or so minutes with freaking hot flashes!!! Isn't life just grand???? Actually.....since we're alive........I do suppose it is :lol: ! Thinking of you, Geri, sending everything positive I got for a rapid turn around for you.



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What's the super cough syrup? John used {Phenegren (I may have spelled that wrong) with codeine. The codeine shouldn't keep you awake-- it should make you tired. Once his cough got worse that no longer helped and he went to straight codeine pills. I hope you get to feeling better.


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I am sorry that you are having to deal with DR. Pickle but I am sure that your beautiful personality will soon win her over..

Hang in there my survivor sister!! You are such a fighter and I have complete faith in your treatment success!!!

God Bless You Friend!!!


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