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A wonderful passing


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Bill left us yesterday after a long, two year battle with SCLC. The last two days, with the help of our Hospice Angels, he was able to give in to the dreaded disease and have peace. I held him in my arms our last minutes and told him I would love him until I die.

Bravo Bill, you did it all your way!

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Oh Laurie,

I am so sorry to read your post. What an horrendous disease. Please know you and your family have my prayers.

Eternal rest be granted unto him oh Lord, and may Your perpetual light shine upon him always. May he rest in peace.



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I am so sorry to read your post.

My deepest sympathies goes out to you and your family.

He was so brave, Iam so glad you were with him up till the end.

Peace be with you,

Maryanne :cry:

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Bravo Bill, you did it all your way!

He sure did Laurie. God love you for being such a wonderful wife and caregiver through all the ups and downs of Bill's long journey. You were both amazingly strong.

You know you have my deepest sympathy.



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I've been thinking about you lately. I'm so, so sorry. I know you were such an amazing support for Bill, and that he treasured your beautiful, generous spirit -- I know it. I'm so glad to hear he had a peaceful passing with you right there with him. The picture is lovely. I know from our conversations what an amazing man he was, and how he held to doing things his way -- good for him.

Thinking of you -- many, many hugs,

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