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My Buddy


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Dear Norme,

TBone, Teacake, TeeTaa, MeMa, other siblings, 'cuzins', and friends have special prayers and thoughts for you tonight, as we talked about the Message Board and our "new family" as we sat around the fire barrel today just enjoying the beauty of the day, the beauty of each minute.

I wish I were close enough to help you out physically. I know you must be exhausted.

I know that Teacake and TeeTaa would be posting too but Teacake is on the road and TeeTaa is at MeMa's bedding down the little ones. I know that both of them would want me to send you their love. Please know that you have captured a place in our hearts that will always be reserved for Norme and her beloved Buddy.



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My heart goes out to you. My mother was also very restless, moving positions frequently. I hope you are getting enough rest. When my mother was ill my father, sister, aunt and I shared duties of watching my mother because she was restless at night, I hope you have some help as well because you also need rest. My prayers are with you. ((HUGS))


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Hello Norm,

I read that you were with Buddy in the hospice and feared for you.

So sorry to hear that Buddy is so bad! Sending you both all the strength I can think of.

He feels that you are there with him.


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You and Buddy have been through so very much. I am so sorry for all the pain you must be in right now. I am comforted to know that he finds peace and comfort in his sleep. I hope that you can find some rest as well. I am thinking of and praying for both of you as well as your son.


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Norme, Please know that you and Buddy are in my thoughts and prayers.

I too hope you are getting enough rest yourself.

I worry about my wife too getting enough rest and relaxation, as she worries about what I'm doing, does that make sense?

Your news years eve pal. DavidA

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Aghhh Norme,

Praying real hard for you and Buddy, Hang in there and may God give you strength and comfort.

Be well, Norme, know your in my thoughts and prayers !

Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

MRI's taken 12/18/03 - 2 brain mets found- named em Frick & Frack

PET taken 1/5 - hot spot in mediastinum May be cancer??

"Absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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Dearest Norme,

I am sorry Buddy is not doing well. You and Buddy are in my prayers everyday. Miracles do happen and I am praying for that to happen for you and Buddy. You are such a strong person, but you need to try and get some rest. Thinking of you both...

God Bless and gentle hugs


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Oh, Norme-I am so sorry for all that you and Buddy are going through. I wish that I could be there with you, for you...I think about you both all of the time, and include you in my prayers. There are no words, I am giving you a mental hug right now

(((((((((((((((((((((((((NORME AND BUDDY)))))))))))))))))))))))))

Please take care, Deb

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Dearest Norme -

When my mother in law was in hospice, the greatest thing they taught me and my husband was to use these days to be her chilcren... Not her caregiver. The hospice people will take care of all Buddy's physical needs, you need to just be there as the person who means the most in the world to him. Although Buddy is sleeping alot now... He can still hear everything you say to him - talk to him as much as you can and share your feelings with him. I am praying so hard for you both... I know the walk you are walking right now and it is so difficult - I pray for peace for the both of you. God Bless you. Love, Sharon

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Dearest Norme,

These past weeks I have found reading Sam's posts and the members replies to be of such comfort. On many occasions, I wanted to post a reply and just could not follow through. I think it is time.

As a former care giver/spouse, I know how difficult this time is for you. People used to constantly ask me how I was doing. My reply was that I was not the one going thru the pain and suffering of all the various treatments. Nevertheless, we do suffer their pain and if I could have traded places with Sam, I would have done so. I imagine you feel the same.

One reason I have not posted is because I think I have little to offer. Please know Norme my thoughts and prayers are for you and Buddy. I wish no one had to endure the torture of either having lung cancer or watching their loved one fight this disease.

Love to all,


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