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My wife has just been diagnosed with breast cancer, so now I'm a caregiver. She had a biopsy about 10 days ago. She has a history of back issues. During the biopsy she had to be in an odd, twisted position and shortly afterwards she began having back pain, which got worse over a couple of days until she was incapacitaed by pain. I managed to get her in to urgent care where she was diagnosed with muscle spasms. With conventional medicine and accupunture she's now functional again, though still has some pain. Hopefully this "pre-treatment" pain will be the worst she'll experience. 

She has seen me through  treatment for 3 cancers, including breast, and the most  recent being the lung cancer. So now it's my turn. I think my  cancer experience has made it a little easier for both of us. We know something  about cancer and cancer treatment. Also I'm NED on all 3 cancers. I'm 11 years out on the breast cancer, so this helps her be optimistic. 

 I'll be going with her for a consultation with a surgeon later this week.  All  prayers and positive thoughts welcome here!

Bridget O

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Bridget O, my friend,

I am so very sorry to hear this.  I really am at a loss for words as I know you have heard it all by being the patient and now the caregiver.  I am happy that she has a positive, strong force such as yourself to be her advocate and caregiver.  And if anyone can be great cheerleader, it's the mighty Bridget O, 3 time cancer survivor!  I am sending all of my positive ju-ju to you and your wife.  May this be just a bump in the road that will lead to many, many more adventures.  Please take care, my friend.

Sending love and hugs to you and your wife.


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Spooling up the prayers for your wife Bridget.  I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this now.  One of the hardest things for me to deal with when hubby had an unplanned surgery late last year is how helpless I felt.  I can control my feelings and how I respond to my lung cancer.  I can choose my attitude.  I'm assertive enough to bully my way through just about anything.  But when it comes to a spouse, gosh, it's just soooo hard.   You've been through this to pave the way for your wife.  You're very creative, witty and know how to deal with the train wreck of this healthcare delivery system, plus you've got a tried and true hippie protocol.   Keep us posted so we can go through this with you, the scans, tests and waiting.  Your wife has just inherited the family here.   Be strong, lean on us.  We'll be here for you just like you're here for us.  

A big hug to you and your wife.   


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Oh, Bridget,

I'm going to call it for what it is - THAT totally sucks! 😣  

As you know, the sun does come out in Oregon 😄 and my prayers and positive thoughts don't have to travel too far.🙏💌


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I am so sorry that you are both dealing with this. Cancer sucks. It just does. But because of your journey, you have so much to offer her as she starts her own journey. That is a silver lining to this mess. I am keeping you both in my prayers. Please keep us posted.

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.Thank you to all of my sisters and brothers on the forums. Your support, hugs, positive thoughts and ju-ju are coming through loud and clear. They mean a lot. I'll keep you posted.

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Sorry I didn't see this earlier, but I'm sorry to hear about your wife and will surely keep both you in in my prayers.  We all know how difficult it is to go through this disease and we're here for you.  Stay strong!


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 Update: My wife is set for lumpectpmy on August 28. It will be a day surgery. The tumor appears to be small and "garden variety", so we're optimistic about a good outcome. Afterwards, she'll  have radiation.

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Glad to hear the optimistic news!  I've been sending all of my positive thoughts and ju-ju your way, hope they are helping, lol!

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I have not been online here for a while and just read the posts... Geez! I'm so sorry to hear about your wife's dx and what you both are facing in this. You've been so encouraging and helpful when I asked questions / needed support... Please know that I'll be thinking of you both and sending hope and positivity your way.  I want to reciprocate and all I feel I can do is to let you know you are being thought of and I'm making my appeals to the Universe on your behalf!  From what you've written, the news does sound hopeful. We'll hang onto that. You DO have a lot of people here who will support you in this... Colleen

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife had her breast cancer surgery (lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy) today. All went well and she is back home. Biopsy results pending Thanks everyone for your support.

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Strong prayers going out for both of you.  Keep positive and take care.  I'll be checking into see any update.


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