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Donna G

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Everything posted by Donna G

  1. I truely agree that not enough is being done but there is hope. I have heard these doctors speak at the Twin Cities Thoracic Onocology Consortium. Robert Kratzke, M.D., and Michael Maddaus, M.D., are using a molecule-based technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to detect lung cancer micrometastases, cells too small to otherwise be detected. In this nationwide study, the largest of its kind, Kratzke and Maddaus are evaluating whether PCR techniques can reliably predict .cancer recurrence or poor treatment outcome in patients with the most common type of lung cancer. In a study that could allow physicians to make an accurate prediction of cancer recurrence risk, Robert Kratzke, M.D., and Michael Maddaus, M.D., found that the technique quantitative reverse-transcriptase PCR can identify metastatic lung cancer cells in each lymph node. If left untreated, undetected metastatic cells can form new tumors. Their study was published in Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, March 2002. http://jtcs.ctsnetjournals.org/cgi/cont ... /123/3/484 Donna G
  2. Donna G

    Mom has Died

    I also am so sorry for your loss of your Mom. I pray for your peace. Donna G
  3. I'm late! I'm late! for a very important date! A very HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY to KATIE. Sincerely Donna G
  4. I also join the others in saying I am so sorry for your loss. I pray that you find peace. Donna G
  5. Donna G

    Nodule growth

    I just had a CT last week. Dr called and told me that they noted the "scar tissue area" had thickened and they wanted to re scan in 6 months. Donna G
  6. Has anyone noticed we have gotten 56 new members already this month? We are at 1999! Today we could be 2000! It is so sad we are so many but I am so happy that we have this family and this place to gather to share and help each other. Donna G
  7. How fast they grow depends on the tumor. The type of tumor I had the doctor told me without treatment it would about double in size in 3 months. You will know more when you get your biopsy result and a plan of treatment. Donna G
  8. Welcome Kim. Sure hope that chemo helps to RE stage him so they can go back and get the tumor out. Keep us posted. Donna G
  9. Welcome Leslie. I was "young" like you when I was diagnosed. Just turned 50. OK, keep it quiet, don't add it up outloud! Great news in your post re Iressa working so well. Here in our support group we have had one young women who had BAC. She is doing well. Keep up the good news! Donna G PS is that a bug on the cat's nose? Also, I have been blessed with dogs over the years that amuse and make me laugh. Laughing is good for you.
  10. Donna G

    Onco Visit

    Kasey, I think you gave the Onocologist HOPEI imagine he must have seen a lot of people giving up and very sick and perhaps had lost hope himself. You are awesome! Donna
  11. Donna G

    Connie B 2000

    We love you Connie! Donna G
  12. I am so sorry. I pray for your peace and your family. Donna G
  13. Donna G

    Pain Meds

    Just food for thought. It may be better to take meds than to suffer! They say when you have pain, it sort of maps into your brain and later when all is healed the "map" is still there so you still feel the pain. Perhaps a different pain med if you are too "drugged". Time release meds don't hit so hard so you get better relief with less med. Donna G
  14. Golly, I thought you were going to see the Pops , and I am thinking "Wonder if it is the Boston Pops". Then I read it is your Pop. Have fun and enjoy! Donna G
  15. Hi Sue, just want to jump in and welcome you to the family. I also give witness to Connie re our long term, very busy , volunteering and living life to the fullest survivor. Actually we have more than one SClC survivor in our local group ( a group that Connie started). Again welcome. Donna G
  16. Yippee! You got the results and the wait is over. All good news. Did they call last night? or early today? Those waits are SO HARD! Glad it is over ---til next time. Donna G
  17. Welcome MissyK. Hope your Mom responds well to treatment. Keep us posted. Donna G
  18. Welcome, Mark I see you found us! I will send you more info, sites to look at. Meanwhile have a good trip. Donna G
  19. Donna G


    Curtis, that is great. I feel like I just had a retreat. Thanks for sharing good neighbor! Donna G
  20. Welcome, sounds like you are just beginning a journey. I imagine you have many more tests and a biopsy to go through yet to find out exactly what is going on. Hope you keep us posted on their results. Donna G
  21. Welcome Pam, glad you found us. Your volunteer work I am sure means a lot to those going through treatment, seeing the "Survivor" . Please keep us posted now that we know you are out there. Donna G
  22. Welcome Gale. No one else in my family had lung cancer that I know of but my sister has had breast cancer and bothe my grandmothers died of breast cancer. They say some kind of cancer hits a high proportion of us. Welcome to our family . I pray your sister responds to therapy well. What kind of lung cancer does she have? ( Small Cell or Non small Cell). Again hope we can help, keep us posted. Donna G
  23. Very interesting. Wonder if they intend to give this to "Kids' to prevent or to those already addicted. Donna G
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