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Hi all, Frank's sister here

He wanted me to let you know that he has had somewhat of a setback and is back in the hospital. As a result of pretesting for his chemo and radiation event on Monday, they discovered that his blood pressure had dropped sharply and his heart rate accelerated dangerously. They did a bronchioscope to rule out blockages, etc.; they defibrilated his heart which did allow his heart to achieve normal rhythm; they started him on several iv's including blood thinner;

tomorrow he will resume his radiation treatment while staying in the hospital so that his blood pressure and heart can be monitored. At this point it is uncertain when he will go home although he is shooting for the weekend. He says to say "hi" to everyone and that he'll touch base when he gets home. In the meantime either Connie or myself will keep you posted. Please keep him in your thoughts.

pattie d

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Dear Pattie,

Thank you so much for letting us know about Frank. I know this whole ordeal has to be really hard on you, and I hope that you will feel comfortable to talk to us if you need some support for yourself.

Please tell Frank how much we love him, miss him, and pray that he will be back with us in just a few short days.



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Hi Patti,

So sorry to hear about Frank. He seems to be on a roller coaster ride lately. I pray it comes to a halt and he can get off and feel like himself again.

Tell him we are all pulling for him to have a safe return as we will all miss him here. He is such a delightful person and will be terribly missed.

Tell Connie to hang in there. Please Patti keep us posted.

Prayers going out their way.


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