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Mom has passed away


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Mom died peacefully at 8:36am this morning with me and my sister at her side. It had only been 37 days since we found out about her cancer. She is no longer in pain or suffering any more. We will miss our dear sweet mom!

I HATE CANCER! This is the third time in as many years that I have lost my sister, husband and now my mother to cancer.

I hope and pray they find a cure someday. I pray for all here with cancer that God will see you thru this beast and heal you! God Bless all of you!


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Oh Tess, so sorry about your the loss of your mom. You have been on such a roller coaster ride since finding out about her LC and then only a month later she is gone. But at least she is free of her suffering and feeling completely free. I am sure your sister and husband was there to help her with the transition.

I am sorry for all the losses you had to endure. You certainly have your share of misfortune. Too much on your plate. My heart goes out to you.

You are a wonderful daughter and your mom was so glad to have your with her, through all this. That was a blessing for her.

Always, keep your moms spirt alive by remember all those wonederful memories you had together.

We are always here for you for any support you may need.

Peace be with you at this difficult time.


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Tess, I am very sorry for your loss. Wow, you have been touched by the beast three times. I have twice. I wish I were smart enough to really do something to stop this disease.

Small comfort now but maybe later - it occured to me a month later - the cancer may have got my husband but it died,too. Stupid cancer.

LOve, Margaret

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  • 2 weeks later...


Oh my gosh. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

May your "good" memories far outweight the bad ones. May it give you some pleasure to know she is without pain and in very loving arms.

Bless you and your family!!!!

Hugs to you,


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