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Hello to all. My name is April, I am 25 years old and my dad, my hero was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer that has spread to his liver and bones. He is 55 years old. This all came in the last month. I am so scared of what is to come. He has had one chemo treatment and just started radiation today. His oncologist says its not curable but we can hope to shrink the multiple tumors. He is having a very aggressive form of chemo, the Dr. says his cancer is also very aggressive. Does anyone have any idea what life expectancey rate is for this, that is something dads oncologist could not say?!

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Hey April,

One thing to remember is that there is no cancer in existance that hasn't been cured at some point in time no matter how advanced or the stage. (Richard Bloch Foundation) Statistics don't count and God only knows when our time is up. Life is not over with a cancer diagnosis---a new life is just beginning. We have to keep on, keeping on!!

God Bless!!


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Hi April,

I'm so sorry that you are having to face this. I know how scary it all is and I know that it is especially so early on when the diagnoses is new and you are still coming to terms with the initial shock of it all. I think it's a good thing that your Dad's Doctor didn't put a time limit on his life, because he can't, and neither can any statistic that you might find yourself on the internet. Please have hope and have faith that the chemo will do what it is intended to do and indeed shrink your Dad's tumors as the Doctor said. One step at a time, one day at a time, that's all any of us can do. We care April. Please know that you will always be able to find support, encouragement and comfort here.


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It is so hard to give a date of life expectancy. To so many thats as good as giving the patient a date to give up. The best thing to do is to think positive and to live each and every day to its fullest. Enjoy the time you have together, and hold dear each and every day you are granted with him. Am so sorry to read that your father is going through this. Please know that many here will be holding him and your family up in their thoughts and prayers.

((((( gentle hugs )))))


Hello to all. My name is April, I am 25 years old and my dad, my hero was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer that has spread to his liver and bones. He is 55 years old. This all came in the last month. I am so scared of what is to come. He has had one chemo treatment and just started radiation today. His oncologist says its not curable but we can hope to shrink the multiple tumors. He is having a very aggressive form of chemo, the Dr. says his cancer is also very aggressive. Does anyone have any idea what life expectancey rate is for this, that is something dads oncologist could not say?!
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Hi April,

Welcome to our group! You are now a part of it. I hope that we will help to calm your fears. The first days and weeks are the worst. But, as you and your Dad go along, you will gain the confidence that things are going along as they should.

I like and agree with what Jamie said about all cancers no matter the stage have their successes...Why NOT your Dad??? I like that the doctor is taking good care of him right off the bat. When he said that the cancer is aggressive, they usually will treat it and beat it back aggressively. The cancer that he has responds beautifully to chemo!!! So take heart!

Come here anytime with any questions or need that you have. Any one of us have been in your jiggly shoes at least once.

Cindi o'h

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Connie is a 10 and a 1/2 year survivor of Lung Cancer Do not believe evrerything a Dr. tells you. Numbers are just that numbers. Live every day to its fullest and enjoy every day for what it is. Sorry you had to find us but glad that you did. Get an Organizer to keep track of Med Apptmnts and Treatments as well as questions for your Onc.You are in great hands here. Just ask.

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Hi, April, and welcome. Do you hear a general chorus here? Forget the statistics -- the disease is too personalized, and the stats are old. My wife was told "9 months" and she is 3 1/2 years from diagnosis and going strong. She has had numerous bone mets along the way, as well as a large liver met the onc is now trying to shrink. Hang onto the hope, and think positive thoughts. Keep us posted. Don

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I know some here in Minnesota that are 5 and 6 yrs post treatment and still in remission. Bothe had preventative brain radiation also. best wishes.

Donna G

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I'm a small cell survivor, one of many more than you may think.

Many people are not "curable" but their disease is managable, many LC patients live a long time with treatments keeping things under control and stable.

Don't throw in the towel just yet, it's very early days.

Take care


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I honed in on "life expectancy" too when I first found out about my mom's dx -- what some hospital doctor initially told me as a prognosis was so grave that the news sent me to my own doctor and now I am on meds for high blood pressure due to the stress that caused (that I still can't seem to shake so far, but that's an involved story)! But, as you can see from all your responses prior to mine, that this dx doesn't have to be that way and often doesn't follow the pattern of "statistics" -- my mom has already outlived what I was told in that hospital.

You will find this site very supportive and informative on dealing with your situation -- there is quite an experience-base here with folks who have been "through it all," kicked the "statistics" in the butt numerous times over, and know just what to say to help and get you through in your journey.

Hang in there, ask lots of questions -- everyone here will help to the best of their ability.



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Hi sorry you had to find us, but as you can see we are a very supportive, knowledgeable group.

Like others have said DO NOT listen to stastistics as so many have beaten the odds.

Keep a positive attitude as that is half the battle.

Keep us infomed of your dads progress.


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Hi April,

I am sorry to hear of your Dad's DX. My husband also has small cell that eventually spread to his brain. What I like most about Alan's Drs is they never give

us a "time frame". Alan is doing very very well. The

cancer in his lung is stable and the tumor in his brain is no longer visible on an MRI.

The only time that matters is today. Oh don't get me wrong, I still

have those moments of dread. Nothing a good old fashion cry doesn't fix. You are in the tough stage right now. Everything is so new, but you will eventually find a new "normal" and life will find balance again. I will pray for your family.

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April,welcome to our support family.There are many here beating the odds.The most important thing is to enjoy each day,week,month and year to it's fullest.

This is a tough and scary disease and the beginning of it is the worst part I feel.Good drs.,positive attitude,modern medicine,and a strong faith make a terrific difference in fighting and surviving lung cancer.

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Wow, I am so amazed at all the responses. You guys are awesome. I initially posted yesterday before leaving work (to go w/dad to radiation treatment)so this morning I was amazed at all the responses. It's so great to talk to people who have went through this and to hear the positive stories!



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Welcome April,

You have received advice from the 'experts' here.............so make sure you heed it!!!! Your Dad appears to be in very capable hands, and you are a great asset to his team. And as for stats..............well, if they wee reliable I would have been 'in another place' since LAST March or so. I am here, doing GREAT, feeling WELL, and talking with YOU! Hang onto hope and allow us to travel this path right along side of you.


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Okay as you all know I am new to this board. I am not sure where I should post this questions but since you all were so quick to respond last time, I thought I would give it a shot.

Throughout this past weekend my dad had extreme pain down one of his legs. He is currently having spot radition on this particular tumor that they believe is compressing a nerve. Well the pain was becoming worse and worse throughout the weekend. Monday morning he woke up and could not walk. He says he could not drag his leg, hang his leg, etc. Just extreme pain (brought him to tears, which rarely happens) even though he is on high doses of morphine. So my mom called his Oncologist office, they said to get him to the Dr. (30 miles away) by ambulance. So we had this done, had a MRI done (by the way his oncologist is in Vietnam on a missions trip) and was kept overnight. They got the results of the MRI and said that the tumor was inflamed, keep doing radiation and here is a wheelchair so you can get around.

My parents excepted this and went home. I guess my question is if this seems right to everyone? It seems to be like the General Dr. he say would consult with his Oncologist (or some oncologist) before making this decision. I have been begging mom and dad to get another opionion but they will not here of it! They think this Dr. walks on water!

Any thoughts on this would be great to hear!



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