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Carleen.. let us know

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Every word I read only brought more heartache to my already broken heart for You and Your Man! :cry: I am so very sorry that you and Keith have to travel this painful and hurtful road. It's so very unfair.

(((((((((((((CARLEEN & KEITH)))))))))))))))))

I pray for peace & comfort for both of you.

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Dear Carleen, I am shaking as I read this; I know how hard it must have been for you to even type the words. Knowing how, at this moment, you are sitting by Keith's side, having just done your transfer on Friday. The cruel irony of the circle of life can be shattering to the soul.

You have a huge network of friends here who love you and hold this vigil, continuing prayer and healing thoughts for you and your Keith, and your entire families...and hopefully for the growing, dividing cells inside of you, part of you both.

We do love you, Carleen, we really do. You have been there, beyond supportive, for all of us more times than I could ever count on this site, and now it is time for all of us to give back.

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I am so sorry. I have no idea how you were even able to type those words. I can't even imagine how difficult this all is for you both. Please know that we are all here supporting you from afar. I am praying for you both. I pray that he will give you both the strength you all need to get through this. I pray for peace and that He will allow whatever time you all have left to be peaceful and pain free.

I will keep you in my prayers. I wish I were closer to you so that I could sit with you and help you through this. If I can help you through any of this, please let me know.



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death can't stop true love. It just delays it. The love you and Keith share is a live living thing. It is incapable of dying and will always ALWAYS live on. Keith will always be with you just not to the visible eye. You have to know that as fierce as your love for each other is, it will never be anything but the brightest star in the sky, the most unbreakable bond, the beautiful ever burning candle. It cant ever be extinguished or go out. Its just always a constant that you will have and be able to count on. thats why God gave that ability to us. Its like him, it will always be there.

you have never met or seen GOD but he has always been there in your life and a constant presence that you feel in your heart right?? so is the love between you and keith.

time is but a moment, LOVE is always enduring.

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Carleen, I'm speechless.

My heart is aching and bleeding reading your post. My husband too was doing so well 2 weeks before he died. This disease can take U turn in a blink of an eye. He caught pneumonia and with only one lung working, his poor body just gave up. I hate this disease very much.

I'm praying for you both.



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I am so so sorry for the pain you two are going through. I am in tears after reading your post. You and Keith mean so much to all of us. Know that we are ther with you through all of this.



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I am so sorry dear (((Carleen))) My heart is just wrecked for you both.

I hope that in some small way you are comforted by all of the thoughts here and as always I am praying for peace and painlessness for you both.

God Bless


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