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My Wonderful, Beautiful Mom has passed


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Dear Everyone,

I wanted to write this letter to tell you what a wonderful group of people are on this website. My Mother was diagnosed with sclc in April 06 and I started writing on this website and asking for advice, guidance and sometimes just a venue to vent. Don was even on the phone to me talking to me about everything just as if I was a friend. I never did put all the treatments that everyone else updated on their site. Basically after she was diagnosed she started Chemo, and did fairly well with that. She had radiation in Sept and again all was well. Then later she had a breakthrough and the tumors in her lung were gone. I wrote here that even if I could say The Cancer is Gone for a day, a week, a month I could still at that moment say it was GONE!! Well she got back her strength, she was doing more and more things that she had done before and my Sister and Brother and I took her to Atlantic City for a day of 000 this past October. We were even planning another day trip on the Friday after Thanksgiving. Our whole world changed Wednesday Nov 21st when my Mother was too weak to get out of bed and her speech was at times incoherent or inappropriate. She was admitted to the hospital and they took 2 MRI's between Wed and Fri. Saturday her Dr. told us the bad news that she had multiple lesions in her brain and he thought she would have a couple of weeks at best. She slept most of the time and was only awake for short periods but on one of those she told me she was scared to die. I told her I was scared too. We took her home on Monday and there she rested and was visited by everyone who cared about her. Her Husband Sisters, nieces, children and grandchildren were all there to say goodbye to a truly extraordinary woman.

I say extraordinary because everyone loved my Mother. Shortly after 2am on Thursday November 29th my wonderful beautiful Mother passed from this world and into God's arms. People would say to me in the next days that she's in a better place and it was all a part of God's plan. I said to one of them, Well I wished He had a different plan.

We had a lot of quality time between the last time I wrote you all and told you of her great news. When everything was so new to me I could come here to this site and read about other people and talk. You will never know how very comforting it was then and in writing this letter now it helps just a little with the grieving process. I've cried a lot but because it was so painful, I decided in the last several days that I just wasn't going to think about it. Writing this has helped and thank you tremendously for the great support you give.

Always believe in a cure, even if it is for a short time or a long time. My prayers go out to all who are still fighting the fight and those who support them.

Love and Grattitude for you all,


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I am so very sorry for your great loss. I too lost my Mother 11/28/07. She was my best friend. I agree whol heartedly with what you said about wishing He had another plan. PM me anytime you like we all understand here on this wonderful board that none of us ever wanted to find.

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My thoughts and Prayers and Condolences go out to you and the entire Family. THat was a Beautiful Tribute toi Mom and Thanks For sharing it with us. this is a new normal now the third and another very difficult one to get used to. Please know that we are here any time that you need us for anything even if just to vent and get things off your mind, We do understand what you are going thru and If we can help we will...

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My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I just recenly lost my Mom so if you would ever like to chat feel free to pm me. It's gut wrenching to let go of such a dynamic person we've known our entire lives but I'm sure she could feel all the love from you and the family asa I know my own Mom did.



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I haven't been visiting this site much...to be honest, for selfish reasons....my mom has completed 5 cycles and is doing FANTASTIC! You would never know she has lung cancer. She has been volunteering her artisitic skills in my daughters' school, has been taking on little art jobs here and there...painting for others. We are leaving on the 22nd for a beachhouse for Christmas with her entire family. Why not travel with her health so good right now?

So, I don't come here as often because I really like pretending that she doesn't have cancer. I like to wish it away. And sometimes I get so sad when I come here. But I needed to come today for some reason...and your post made me realize that I can't let myself get too carried away with the "pretending". I need to enjoy her as much as I can....enjoy and soak up all the time I can with her.

I sit here crying, tears dripping on the keyboard as I feel your pain and sorrow. My heart feels twisted...for you. I'm so sorry that you have had to go through this pain. I'm so sorry your wonderful mom is gone. Yes, I too wish God had a different plan.

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