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I made it home


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Okaaay, got home Thursday.........50lbs lighter and much much weaker than a month ago but looking forward to building some muscle again. Remember how I asked who the hell had left me these fat legs? Well now I want to know where they went and who left these skinny ones behind! :lol: No staisifing some people is there.

I am now part of a heart failure program (just the name of it scares the bejesus our of me) so will be very well monitored from here on in.

My bc treatment is due to start soon, already told them I don't want radiation and will not put up with any side effects that may be debillitating..........told them at 61 no is a complete sentence and I'm not having quantity over quality. The past 11 months have shown me a whole slew of things that I don't want to experience again so all my cards are on the table and I start the oral meds next week...........wish me luck!! :(

Will check in again when my my energy allows


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Welcome back, Geri. Your silence has been deafening. I'm glad the Chicken Cult didn't have to rev up the bus to come and get you, the cost of the gas alone could have fed a small country for a year! We WOULD have come to spring you if needed, though, taking donations every time we ran on fumes... :wink:

I've always thought "no" a complete sentence - I must be wise beyond my years! :roll:

Glad to see you back. I missed you.


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Well Geri.............just don't know what to say :? . Sorry about those skinny legs ~ I've never had anything skinny :? ! I agree that the name of your new 'group' is scarier than he//!!!! Guess I'm not up to full speed with exactly what the heck they figured was wrong with you. Heart I'm guessing. And you're starting bc tx??? What the heck is that??? Sorry that I seem to be a day late and a dollar short on details.

Just glad you are home. You will get yourself built back up ~ I just feel it! I don't even have any witty remarks for you tonight. Just know I'm thinking of you and wishing and hoping (praying too) that things start looking up real soon. Miss you, friend.



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I'm glad you're home and I've always wanted skinny legs! I hope you continue to feel better and your breast cancer treatment goes well. My experience was that it wasn't nearly as tough as the lung cancer treatment, and I hope that's how it goes for you too.


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I am so glad you are home. Take some time to rest and gain strength. Take it slow on those skinny legs!

Also, I am a parent to a middle school age son, NO has become a sentence in this house! But I explained to him you have to be over 18 and in your own house to use it!HAHA


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Here I am skinny legs and all.......have to start exercising them before long and get the muscle back even though I've always wanted skinnier legs than I had :?:lol:

We had a wonderful Easter weekend, my sister is here from England and a friend came from Toronto so "I"

decided that this would be a great time to host dinner with this lovely recipe that I found in a magazine. The problem was that I can't do anything to speak of - I supervise very well!! - so Pat and Marilyn put Easter dinner together for 8 and then with Richard's help cleaned it all up.

What can I say, there was never any doubt in my mind that they would cook dinner for me and they did so with delicious results.

Anyway I'm getting my appetite back - not a good thing :oops: - so have to be careful not to eat too many of the wonderful leftovers!

I hope you all had a good weekend.


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"Geri"...I am now part of a heart failure program (just the name of it scares the bejesus our of me)...

Right, Geri, don't you just love some of these terms they come up with? Another one is "morbid" (or "morbidity") which I always thought meant essentially dead, but now I find simply means there's some sort of disease going on. Aloha,


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Welcome home Geri!!! Lucky you with sister and friend there. How long has Pat been there??? Seems like a long time ~ not sure though! Easter sounded like a good day. I KNOW you are on the mend since you were barking ~ uh, I mean SUGGESTING ~ what to do to get dinner on the table :wink: . There were lots of you too. Way to go!!!!

Now get to work on those skinny legs. Wish I had something skinny to work on :? , but wouldn't want to get to that point, though, the way you did!!!!

I bet Roc can get you some macho, bulking up regime, can't he :roll::lol::wink: ??? I LOVE him (Karen too)!!!!!!!!

I am ecstatic seeing you here. Just don't overdo!!!!



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