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Not Good News

Andrea B.

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Well, just got back from the latest update on my mom's CT scan. The news was not good. Iressa is not working...numerous more mets to the liver, new met in the right lung and new met in the left lung. We are in the process of looking into the GVAX vaccine, but other options are getting exhausted now. The oncologist said hospice might be our next step. I am sick! Tired of cancer and all the emotional pains. I can't stand what it has done to my loving and beautiful mom.

I sat alone with her in the exam room and cried telling her over and over how much I loved her. My mom told me she wished that she would have had more time to spend with me. How can life be so cruel??

Thank you to each and everyone of you for your prayers and kind words. It means more to me than you know. You each remain in my daily thoughts. Love to you.

Andrea B.

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Oh Andrea,

I know what your mom means. My daughter is 24 and son 23 and all I wanted is more time with them and my husband. But I tell myself, that we will always be with each other in some way. NOt a day goes by that I don't think of my mom who I lost when I was nine.

Thinking you you,


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Andrea, my heart is really broken when I saw your message and update on your mom. Is there really no other options? Did you ask about GEMZAR or other chemo? If your mom's health is still strong enough for additional chemo, please ask from oncologists.

Don't give up yet. If there is no other options, please try taking "Yunzhi" or "Lingzhi", these natural supplements could increase the quality of life. My dad proves it true and the purpose is also to prolong the survival as well.

My prayers and thoughts are with your mom and you.....

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Dearest Andrea,

I know how awful this is for you,the emotional pain is unbearable. I remember them da-- office visits too well especially after the doctor walked out. You sit there in complete disbelief and agony. I will be praying for you and your mom and hoping they find the right chemo for her and remember HOPE... ((((((((ANDREA))))))))

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So so sorry to hear about your mom.

Nobody from outside could possibly know the reality of what you are going through

One step at a time, one day at a time. Slow deep breaths.....

You need to stay well during this very tough time.

Know that you'll both be in my prayers



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Andrea, I am so sorry that the Iressa wasn't the answer for you mom, I am so sorry that my words are not enough to heal the pain that you and your family are going through. Please know that you and your mother and family are in my thoughts and prayers. This disease is so distructive...but it cannot destroy the love between you and your mom. As the others have said before me, if you need anything-I am here, we are here. Deb

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I know exactly how you feel. I just cant deal with it sometimes. At work I go into the bathroom and cry sometimes. My Mom, who brightens a room and calms a heart. It is so hard to deal with. To see her so sick at times and know this disease is the hardest battle she will ever fight :cry: I dont have any answers for you I only know exactly what it feels like. We spend the most time with them as we can and it is still never enough :(

Hang tough Andrea, I know it is hard, but hang tough.



10/03: 76 yr. Mom diagnosed squamous cell nsclc

11/04-1/04: 4 rounds of Taxol/Carbo

1/30/04: CT scan no change in growth/new spot 

2/4/04: Taxotere (1 hour intrav.)

2/8/04: Bad reaction, bedridden with Thrush/Diarrhea

2/26/04: Starts 15 days of Iressa

3/11: 30 more days of Iressa (praying that it works)

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